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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Children, families of illegal immigrants 'traumatized' in Sussex County

Illegal immigrants have been forced to live in the shadows in Sussex County, according to a community center in Georgetown that claims families are afraid to leave their homes or send their children to school over the constant fear of deportation and separation.

La Esperanza Community Center has become a place of hope and haven for undocumented immigrants throughout Sussex County. The organization was founded in 1996 to stand as a beacon of hope for the increasing number of immigrants in Sussex, and has evolved into the only multiservice nonprofit focused on building family empowerment among Latinos.

Due to the country's current climate surrounding illegal immigration, with families being separated and many being detained and facing deportation, locally many illegal immigrants are struggling to provide for their families.

Families are extremely worried and often ask if it's safe to do basic things such as grocery shopping, according to Bryant Garcia, an immigration program coordinator with La Esperanza.



  1. They may be good people or maybe not but they dont belong here!

  2. they could always leave.

    wont get any sympathy from me for breaking the law

  3. They should leave as a family and come back the correct and legal way. It must be a real bummer to be afraid of spending the free money from the government

  4. Only one problem....they are here illegally. If this place is a center for hope as they claim. Why doesn't this place do something to get them legalized here instead of "hiding" them?

  5. I am an American. What laws can I break without fear of prosecution?

  6. If they didn't come here Illegally they wouldn't have this problem.

  7. I L L E G A L !!!!!!!!

    I don’t know how to say that in Spanish.

  8. everyone in Sussex Co. is traumatized. look at the place ...

  9. no body forced them to cross the border illegally! Come on out and we will provide you transportation!

  10. They are so scared the Shelter is advertising illegals are hiding inside? No surprise it's a " non profit" I guess the shelter is getting about 1000.00 dollars per person from the state, government and other entities. It's all a SCAM.

  11. Sorry about their luck
    Become legal and the worries go away.
    No Brainer.
    Which part of illegal do they not understand?

  12. As with anyone doing something illegal, watch your back. Be like a crack head peaking out the closet door.

  13. If they follow the law and our countries rules,then most people are welcome.

  14. Maybe they should consider returning to their home countries and applying for citizenship here legally so they won'y be found guilty of crimes that would separate them from their families?

    Just a suggestion...

  15. maybe they should try becoming LEGAL citizens and not ILLEGAL citizens, duh!

  16. They should be scared! They are not supposed to be here. It is like a robber that breaks into your home and hides in the basement so they won't get caught. I have no remorse for criminals whether they are 'good people' or not. All of Jeffrey Dahmer's neighbors said he was a good person. Come on and get real. When ever you have the word ILLEGAL in front of your name, that is not good.

  17. Shame on these criminals for putting their families in this position. They really need to stop with their BS. They could care less about their children. They proved this by coming here ILLEGALLY. To criminals like this children are nothing more then tools/props to gain sympathy.

  18. Maybe we should stop kidnapping them and bringing them to America against their will?

  19. Have no pity they should be shipped back to the border ASAP. They drive with no license / insurance and make the innocence have to pay for their mistake by having to pay their medical expense, having to repair their own vehicle or losing the vehicles for being totaled. No tax dollars should be given to them or the ones hiding them. A criminal is a criminal.

  20. 10:43 the first law they must obey is our immigration law, otherwise get the hell out and take all of your relatives with you.

  21. If you haven't been through Georgetown lately,take a drive through. A pig stye is cleaner. Also look at all the trash along all the roadways leading there.

  22. Bring in ICE and let them clean it up and ship them out ASAP


  23. As with other comments: If you are a non-citizen here legally, you should have no fear because your papers are in order.

    If you are not legally authorized to be in the US you should expect to be booted when discovered. Go home and apply for a visa or for a Green Card. Then you will be welcome and welcomed.

    Kind of basic.

  24. Most of them work hard, and would be good citizens if naturalized. I know from talking to some that they are clueless about legal fine points of immigration. I also think there should be an ICE transport pulling up to La Esperanza to take the illegals back to the border they crossed to get in. Obama found Democrat donors to host the legal parts of the family when the parents got deported. That might be a good solution.

  25. . . . . . a community center in Georgetown that claims families are afraid to leave their homes or send their children to school over the constant fear of deportation and separation." Uh, that's what happens when you sneak into our country. You broke the law, what the hell do you expect us to do? Welcome you with open arms? This OUR country. Respect us and our laws. Now go back where you belong.

  26. If they are helping people who are in our country illegally, then they are breaking the law also.


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