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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A Viewer Writes: ECI is a Ticking Time Bomb

After three months of retirement from E.C.I., I continue to hear of the terrible conditions occurring daily at that facility from those who are still employed there. For this reason I feel compelled to express my concern on behalf of those officers who can not because of fear of retaliation.

For twenty four and a half years I was employed at E.C.I. During that time I made some very good friends along the way. It saddens me as each day passes the conditions worsen. As each week pass more officer’s leave. There are several issues that have caused this exodus. Number one is the unsafe conditions caused by the lack of staffing. As on previous occasions D.O.C. has told the media that there are no significant shortage of staff. I am very certain there is a deficit of between 120 to 130 officers. It has been easy for the state to spew forth the numbers needed in an attempt to quell any concerns by the public. This has usually been done by the elimination of P.I.N.’s (personal identification number)as employees leave.

The direct effect of short staffing is safety. By it’s definition this job is a dangerous profession even when staffing is not a concern. As officers leave, the real possibility of assault grows expeditiously for them as well as inmates. The predatory inmate feels more secure to continue their criminal activities when there is a limited deterrent.
Another major concern is the growing amount of times when officers are drafted for an additional eight hours to total sixteen in a 24 hour period. This phenomena is now occurring for every shift, every day all week long with no end in sight. Some officer’s have been drafted as many as three times in one week.

How could these conditions be considered safe by any standard? D.O.C. says it’s number one goal is safety for the public, officers and the inmate population. After the last two years under Governor Hogan the situation has no positive end in sight. According to The Somerset County Times from earlier this June only 1 graduated the academy as a custody officer. Recently however, I’ve been told eight have been hired for the academy.

Morale, that’s a complete joke! There is none. It is almost unanimous from most employed there that D.O.C. care nothing what so ever for the current situation as well as that of the future. When morale is dead, the situation multiplies several fold. Since there is the need for drafts and overtime, some of the inmate’s activities have been curtailed or modified because of the shortage. The three main concerns as a rule for inmates is, food, recreation and visits. If any one of the before mentioned are perceived as unwarranted punishment for the population there is a greater possibility of a organized reaction. This happened June 21, when parts of two compounds refused to return to their cells. This was not a spontaneous event by the inmates. It was planned! Administration seemed to be caught off guard to the amount of coordination by the inmates. From my understanding it was directly as a result of the modified rec. This was a warning by the inmates! Someone needs to take this seriously.

The atmosphere at E.C.I. for it’s employees is ruled by intimidation by D.O.C. headquarters. These conditions did not occur recently,but over a period of time beginning with the current appointees for D.O.C. leadership. The supervision is told to tow an almost impossible line while at the same time put on a leash of intimidation from headquarters. My opinion is that Warden Foxwell has done the best he can do, but is undercut by headquarters.

Perhaps, it is only the families and loved ones who truly care about the outcome of what might happen if a serious attempt is not made to repair the damage incurred under the Hogan Administration. It confounds me as to why so many of the elected voices have remained silent, even though many officers practically begged for someone to look into the situation as it steadily deteriorated. The only legislator that has made many attempts to find out what was going on at E.C.I., is Senator Mathias . He has been involved for the past two years in an attempt to help ECI employees return to safe conditions. I have had several conversations with Senator Mathias’s secretary. She stated no one in the Hogan administration seemed to give it much importance or gave some song and dance when asked questions.

So in closing I hope the Governor and DOC would take the situation serious enough to fix. It’s as simple as this; it’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when bad things happen.

PS: The Governor became extremely agitated when approached by a few concerned family members of ECI employees while attending the J. Millard Tawes Clam Bake in Crisfield. He indicated the reason why no one from this area could pass the polygraph was because they were either criminals or lairs. When asked why Africans were staffing the State prisons across the Bay, He stated it was because they were truthful.


  1. That's some Governor we have there. Imagine the carnage he'll create when he doesn't have to worry about a re-election. His second term will be so much worse for state employees.

    1. True but better than ben Jealous.

    2. Not better for state employees

  2. Funny how state employees are expected to pass polygraphs, but elected officials not so much. I'd love for Hogan, Clinton, or any of the ruling class to have to pass a polygraph before taking office. Then again, most of them are sociopaths, so they could lie and pass a polygraph with no problem.

    1. Great point..

    2. Why is it such a problem to believe prospective officers should pass a polygraph? I've had to take one for the last three jobs I've had in the 30'ish years I've been working. Apparently honesty is not a virtue valued in most parts of our society. Polygraphs aren't there to keep you from getting the job, just tell the truth. There is no expectation of anyone not having done something, only that you admit it, and tell the truth. As long as it isn't a major crime, or something you've continued to do over and over, you'll pass. No examiner is out to fail anyone, just don't sit down and try to lie.

    3. 922

      Your are very wrong

      The polygraphers by DOC are nut jobs

      Out of nearly 650 Polygraphs

      Only 6 were good

      GTF out of here

  3. There will be a hiring blitz this week for Eci come to wor wic community college and take the test to work for dpscs. Great way to meet the secretary Moyer and his dream team . Share your comments with him and let’s get problems solved.

  4. This upcoming guberanatorial election is going to be quite interesting. Conservatives on the eastern shore have little to say about the outcome due to the strength of the "blue" Prince Gerorges and Baltimore counties. It is obvious, however, that the conservative policies of Hogan work and it should be obvious that Democratic leadership (Baltimore) don't. Jealous will have no platform other than some socialist agenda. I am sorry Hogan is a never Trumper and anti NRA as I do believe in the 2nd amendment and right to carry. Back to point,,,it is a sad state of affairs at E.C.I. I do not profess to know the solution but the Governor must not bury his head in the sand; that will not bode well come November.

  5. Africans ? They’re Americans.

    Racism came out at the end....glad you’re retired.

    1. Isn't that what they are proud of ? Being African.

  6. Gov Hogan you can thank the X MSP Trooper Moyer he is the one NOT Allowing People to get hired with his 4/7 hour POLYGRAPH test wake the f up Hogan.

  7. Hogan you better do something before you have a MAJOR problem on your hands. If that happens you'll be wringing your hands saying - Oh my, I should have done something sooner. Sooner is now, so get with it.

  8. Warden Foxwell will take heat for this post as the state's whipping boy. Unfair, but that's how it works.

  9. I share the author's concern. Look no further than The Vaughn Correctional Center in DE for what is likely to happen at ECI.

    I reject the author's attempt to politicize this against Hogan. ECI didn't get like it is overnight. Years and years of failed Democratic leadership in the State of Maryland have brought us to this point. I think it is unfair to expect Hogan to fix that mess in 2 years.

    Hogan is far from perfect. I sincerely hope he will seriously address this problem. Ben Jealous is certainly not a responsible answer to any of the myriad of problems that Maryland faces today.

  10. It's all state agencies. As people are either leaving or retiring, they are not being replaced. Unfortunately services are suffering as a result of this.

    What is happening is the state is trying to automate most services at the expense of the taxpayer. Less services and higher taxes.

  11. I don't see what the problem is, if the pay and benefits are good there should be plenty of people applying for those jobs. If the problem is really the polygraph tests maybe minor legal infractions, such as pot smoking, should be overlooked. In this day and age it would hard to find people who have a perfect squeeky clean background. Every applicant should be viewed as a potential valuable asset. Also management has to value and respect their employees. Just my 2 cents worth.

  12. ECI has been a disaster for our local area.

  13. No one pays any attention to red flags.We see that weekly in the news.Those who perpetrate mass shootings, for example,are too numerous to monitor,but this is different.A yearly polygraph subsequent to hiring a correctional officer could be a concession to that officer not passing his or her initial pre hiring polygraph with flying colors.Just remember,the corrupt officers once passed a polygraph with no trouble.If I knew I had a yearly test coming up as standard protocol I would most certainly keep my nose clean.

  14. This retired prison worker may have missed a more lucrative living as a writer.

  15. Time for someone to order an independent third party audit of time sheets and employment records.

  16. Keep voting Democrap...

  17. I haven't ever voted for Mathias because I don't care for his politics. It is nice to see he has shown interest in this matter. I am open minded when election time rolls around.

    I don't know Mathias's secretary, but don't believe it necessary to quote her. Hope I'm wrong, but it appeared to throw her under the bus. Maybe use desecration and hold some things in confidence or maybe she approved it. This is not to slam the writer, just my humble opinion. Well written and informative.

    Wonder if Hogan does as he pleases instead of listening to voters, thinking he will be the only choice we have. Looks like he has us by the agate's.

  18. Hogan has blood on his hands.

  19. This is a jail , please remember that it is not the vacation spot of America.
    I believe they need very strict rules again , keep em locked up , feed em and let them clean themselves. That's all folks , less man power needed like guards etc..

  20. NO ONE WANTS TO WORK IN CORRECTIONS ANYMORE!! You put in decades at a job where you're subjected to the lowest forms of mankind then go to retire and lawmakers just keep taking benefits away


  21. Prison job with inmate contact is tough no matter who is the governor. We should bear in mind that a portion of the staff shortage is due to employees indicted or convicted fairly recently for smuggling contraband to prisoners.

    That illegal activity more than justifies extensive background checks and, if in judgement of prison managers that includes polygraph, so be it.

    Certain jobs justify higher pay because of working conditions; prison guards should be on that list.

  22. ben jealous does not even know what county ECI is in

  23. If this Warden Foxwell is the same one that started at ECI as a Correctional Officer, he was and is a joke he was a lousy Officer who kissed ass all the time with the brass instead of doing his job. I remember when he started and I never turned by back when he was around up to the time I retired. So where is the leadership? If Drydon came back as contractual like I heard he is the only leader they have in Administration. I know he realizes now he made a terrible mistake.

  24. Twice here 8:25 and 10:33 BOTH hit the nail on the head. I worked a state job and did so because I needed the benefits with a sick child. Now.....that I could not get a decent job anywhere because of the state stigma they are taking my benefits away when we need them the most. I really don't know how I will live. I think Hogan is attempting to straighten up the mess that others before him created and we are just realizing it now. I have been told that O'Malley created this huge benefits hole and I wouldn't vote him in as dog catcher. I don't believe in robbing Peter to Pay Paul or promising benefits only to yank them away.

  25. 922am, like you said. We've all done something, and when they find out what it is, they WILL use it against you later, as it fits their needs.

  26. I heard from a inside source that they are getting ready to recall all retired correctional officers both medical and normally retired. the medical retired will be subjected to a physical and if they pass they are back to work.

    1. Cool

      I might add
      I supervised Warden Foxwell before I retired, and he transferred to MHC in Jessup; returning to ECI as Warden after my retirement.

      Sgt. Foxwell at that time, was a pleasure to work with and supervise

      As far as an ass kisser as indicated in one comment here

      THAT IS VERY UNTRUE....and it sounds like a released inmate posted that comment.


  27. Evidently, when I wrote this some people thought the reference to African's being hire was describing skin color.For those who think this was a racist comment I meant actual AFRICANS, you know from AFRICA. If anyone is familiar with State corrections these days in Maryland you would know that most in the Baltimore region are staffed with PEOPLE from AFRICA. Further more ask any inmate who has been housed there how it is for them. So in closing to those who believe I am racist, sometimes words do have a literal meaning. Merry Christmas

  28. A whopping total of 5, FIVE, are you kidding me FFFIIIVVVEEE people showed up for their job fair!! Hogan I think youyhave a problem


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