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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Wicomico County Board of Education Is Out Of Control

Do the math. The Wicomico County Board of Education hired 113.51 employees in the last 3 years. Now they are demanding an additional 60.76 employees. If they get their full funding as demanded they will have hired over 174.27 new employees in 4 short years. Where is the success that the additional 114 new employees brought? When are the taxpayers going to demand that the WCBOE cuts its excessive spending spree?

Bill Chambers and Mike Dunn are constantly attacking the Executive and the Council and have become the ring leaders for the BOE's spending spree. They are demanding the Council override the Executives budget and demanding the council lift the Revenue Cap to pay for it. They are intimidating everyone with the upcoming election. 

Mike Dunn was at the council's budget work session on Friday morning taking notes as if to intimidate. Nothing seems to change even after all these years. I watched Mike Dunn and Barrie Tilghman use this very same abuse years ago in City Council Meetings on a regular basis. 


  1. Blah, blah, blah. What do you care?! You don't live or own ANYTHING in the county.

  2. Maybe if parents would "man up" and be parents, the BOE wouldn't need so many new employees. Discipline issues are rampant. Classes are disrupted all day long by these disrespectful, arrogant kids (yes, even in the elementary schools) and there just aren't enough employees to deal with them. It's sad. I totally "get it" that the BOE is a money pit, but if cuts need to happen, it's at the top. There are far too many "chiefs" and not nearly enough "Indians" (no disrespect intended - it's an old-time phrase). Truth.

  3. I'm a teacher. We don't need more useless board positions.enforce discipline and we can teach.

  4. 7:07, You've got a big mouth for anonymous. Nevertheless, I own more property in Wicomico County then you'll ever dream of owning. I have every right to make the statements I do. Now pussy hat, what say you now?

  5. More money does NOT equal great results...This out of control budget has been going on far too long. Our government/public schools continue to fail and the students that Want to Learn are not serviced well. They have to put up with so much crap and drama in these schools. Many teachers really don't want to be there and many are NOT educated just indoctrinated. Our students are being indoctrinated and they don't even realize it. So sad for all trapped in this horrible, failing system.

    In addition, we the people, taxpayers have to continue to pay for this ongoing debacle...Many of us realized years and years ago we had to remove our children from this failing system so our children could get the best education possible. So we paid for private school or we home schooled. We continue to pay the taxes required...double payed. We must go to a 'choice' system to make this Fair for All and to make the entire educational system competitive. Unless this happens, we will Never see real change and great education for all our students.

    1. Agreed a lot needs to happen at home. I’ve called and emailed all year. Some teachers refuse to communicate with parents. I had a VP try to talk above me and call me out until I mentioned going above her. Then she apologized through my SO to me. Staff can be bullies too. I wouldn’t want to teach or be staff there so I can’t say anything. The stories I hear are ridiculous. Punishment and ways to handle situations neeeds to be addressed. OSS for kids without family life is no biggie. Expel after 2 OSS and see if parents pay attention then. Some kids actually go to learn.

  6. What are these new employees, and what are the justifications for wanting them?

  7. Are any of those hired due to attrition/retirement? if so, how many? Or is this ADDITIONAL employees on payroll?

  8. The BOE have always had an arrogance of entitlement! They believe that whatever they need they should have! The blank check policy they operate under shows they only care about themselves. With a budget their are other needs and expenditures throughout the county that need attention. Don't be fooled by this greed, and it is not for the good of the children. It is to get more people and salary into their system for their benefit!

  9. Don't take that bait Joe, never is worth it. They hide because they reek of hatred!

    Now to more important items DAN!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS THE SUN?????????

  10. Yes I would like to know what the new positions are for as well. I would imagine most of them would go to Universal Pre K with a teacher and aide in each class room.

  11. 7:54 But you got run out of Wico on a rail.

  12. 7:11 you are correct..I think the elementary kids are unbelievably out of control! My kids are in high school now, but the elementary years were absolutely horrible. I am convinced the teachers are given xanax every morning before class just to be able to handle their jobs. I personally think that the suspension doesn't hold kids accountable or parents accountable for raising their children anymore, and is part of the problem. In school suspension is for what? I say bring the PARENTS to school for a whole day and make them stay with the disruptive kid and THEN maybe..just maybe, they will begin to hold the kids accountable, because as it is now there is no inconvenience to the parents, so they are less apt to require their children to behave. When we grew up we had better not get in trouble at school...so much as a phone call or detention meant bigger problems at home. ..7:45. Unfortunately my understanding is that discipline is not allowed to be enforced in school anymore which is ridiculous. I don't know how you do it. My children are not perfect, and if they are rude at home or disrespectful they are held accountable. If I find out they have been rude or disrespectful to an authority at school then they are in serious trouble at home. Anything with a plug or USB cord is gone for at least 2 weeks and replaced by chores such as pulling weeds. If I have to then their extra curricular activities are put on hold as well..I have no problem benching them from a game because of their attitude or grades. Coaches don't like it, but they understand that Mom and Dad have the right to have certain requirements and expectations before they can play sports. I don't care if they are the best player on the team. We call this obedience.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Blah, blah, blah. What do you care?! You don't live or own ANYTHING in the county.

    June 4, 2018 at 7:07 AM

    Is that you again Mike Dumb?

  14. Anonymous said...
    I'm a teacher. We don't need more useless board positions.enforce discipline and we can teach.

    June 4, 2018 at 7:45 AM

    I agree with you and they need to get rid of Mark Thompson and his "Free Jamal" AA Discipline Program. You can thank that on Obama and John Fredericksen.

    When is President Trump going to stop that program.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Maybe if parents would "man up" and be parents, the BOE wouldn't need so many new employees. Discipline issues are rampant. Classes are disrupted all day long by these disrespectful, arrogant kids (yes, even in the elementary schools) and there just aren't enough employees to deal with them. It's sad. I totally "get it" that the BOE is a money pit, but if cuts need to happen, it's at the top. There are far too many "chiefs" and not nearly enough "Indians" (no disrespect intended - it's an old-time phrase). Truth.

    June 4, 2018 at 7:11 AM

    You must not pay taxes or you would be up in Arms about this.

  16. JoeAlbero said...
    7:07, You've got a big mouth for anonymous. Nevertheless, I own more property in Wicomico County then you'll ever dream of owning. I have every right to make the statements I do. Now pussy hat, what say you now?

    June 4, 2018 at 7:54 AM

    Seriously Joe, do you think 7:07 was Mike Dunn? I do because only a gay person would say "blah, blah, blah, and he seems to be in the center of all of this.

    That Homo thinks he can intimidate the County into fully funding the Board of Educations stupid Vision 2022 requests and then he can claim it was all because of him just like he tells everyone the Christmas lights are back at the City Park because of his leadership.

    God I think I'm going to puke!

  17. I feel Hanlin is a disappointment. Her first mistake was hiring Paul Butler. He makes a lot of money for doing nothing. She could have two new teachers with his salary alone. Discipline isn’t addressed it has gotten worse. Should we talk about how the graduation standards were lowered over and over again over the last 3 weeks? What a joke education has become. I guess you wanted high graduation rates Donna, but you allowed a lot of students to graduate who didn’t earn it. Very sad. You want the county to fund your initiatives, but are students really getting a true education when your graduation rate is more important than whether a kid actual earned a diploma?? What a joke.

  18. @June 4, 2018 at 8:51 AM

    "...double *paid..."

  19. Anonymous said...
    What are these new employees, and what are the justifications for wanting them?

    June 4, 2018 at 8:57 AM

    That's a good question. I can't see where they were hired and for what positions??

  20. Anonymous said...
    7:54 But you got run out of Wico on a rail.

    June 4, 2018 at 9:41 AM

    He didn't get run out of Wicomico County on a rail, he invested in property closer to the beach and he is enjoying the real "Comfortable Side of Coastal." What a moronic comment from someone living paycheck to paycheck.

  21. Joe, need to put up another list of salaries like you did from 5 years ago FY13, need FY18's list.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Yes I would like to know what the new positions are for as well. I would imagine most of them would go to Universal Pre K with a teacher and aide in each class room.

    June 4, 2018 at 9:40 AM

    Why do you need Universal Pre-K when most families are already paying for Pre-K daycare and getting a better education for their children than the Public School System in Wicomico County can offer. Have you noticed that the parents with their students in daycare are not the ones demanding Universal Pre-K? It's Donna Hanlin the Superintendent who is trying to build her empire and indoctrinate our kids even earlier. The "at risk" population of baby thugs are already enrolled in the Pre-K program and it's not working.

  23. USMC Retired said...
    The BOE have always had an arrogance of entitlement! They believe that whatever they need they should have! The blank check policy they operate under shows they only care about themselves. With a budget their are other needs and expenditures throughout the county that need attention. Don't be fooled by this greed, and it is not for the good of the children. It is to get more people and salary into their system for their benefit!

    June 4, 2018 at 9:35 AM

    The biggest problem with the BOE's blank check policy is they get to spend that money on whatever they desire. No one has oversight and they get away with murder and no one bats an eye!

  24. This is not a Wicomico County Board of Education Budget this is a CRIME SPREE!

  25. Only an idiot would pay membership fees to the Greater Salisbury Committee just to keep Mike Dumb employed.

    WTH is the Greater Salisbury Committee and what is its purpose in Salisbury or Wicomico?

    I hope you clowns writing the checks aren't using that as a tax deduction. Can someone check to see if it is a true nonprofit?

  26. The cap must stay in place! This is what it is designed to stop. Never lift the cap. Period! Once you do the liberals will not stop with the taxes.

  27. Per pupil expenditure 23/24 in the state.....high school ranking 15-16 depending on the rankings. Just had a bunch of kids get full ride scholarships. Bennett has an awesome It's Academic Team and a Mock Trial Team that was tied for 4th out of 180 high school teams in Maryland. Beat all of the local private high school teams. Behavior is an issue, but hands are being tied at the state and federal levels. What are Trump and Hogan doing about discipline?

  28. The liberals wanted the schools changed. They got it. They took God out of school. They took discipline out of school and they took accountability out of school. Without those 3 things you have no control over the kids. There isn't a punishment for bad behavior anymore. Throwing more money into the schools system does not work. Just look at Baltimore and how much they spend per student and they are still failing.

  29. And we taxpayers not only get to foot the bill for a failed system, we then get to pay for the remedial education at WorWic.

    1. Are teachers not tax payers too?

  30. If the WCBOE is "For the children" as they have worn out this phase, they should have no problem doing the following to prove it to the taxpayers of Wicomico county - cutting 10% of personnel in central office system, upper management (susp., asst susp and other making over 95K) taking a 10% pay cut, agreeing to an outside audit firm with complete access to review finanicals and the organizational system for personnel and other items with recommendations being put into effect after review. Until the WCBOE is reined in, we will always have the annual budget dog and pony show with all kinds of different characters popping up.

  31. Well one position is Paul Butler getting paid $100,000 to pick employees for a phony award!

    1. And raise his ACN pyramid choices

  32. I am a teacher in the county and have to have a second job working 7 days a week to support my family, a child that doesn't meet the income to attend the county Pre-K, and pay out of my pocket to make my support my classroom and students. When the nurses and higher ups making more money than the teachers and they arnt implementing the education and have no clue what even goes on in the classrooms..... Parental support that no longer exists

  33. Does PRMC even hire 114 employees a year?

    1. Does prmc pay well? Do the patients listen to the nurses and doctors or do what they want?

  34. 2:28 has the solution. Part two is SCHOOL VOUCHERS.I want my tax dollars to go to schools that educate.

  35. You can always move to a place where the you like the BOE and maybe you will like the taxes their.

  36. BOE has to do 3 things that would start solving these problems.
    1) Held accountable for their wasteful spending
    2) Enforce discipline in the schools so Teachers can teach
    3) Hold Teachers accountable for teaching / performance

    1. Cant hold teachers accountable with the battles they fight each day and no back up. Teaching doeant happen when there are constant disruptions and the children arnt allowed to be put out

  37. 10:15am...double paid; paid our taxes to a failing system we didn't use and paid for private school to obtain a decent education...get it...

  38. Anonymous said...
    Does prmc pay well? Do the patients listen to the nurses and doctors or do what they want?

    June 4, 2018 at 8:58 PM


  39. Anonymous said...
    This is not a Wicomico County Board of Education Budget this is a CRIME SPREE!

    June 4, 2018 at 10:28 AM

    What they said^^^

  40. The Wicomico County Public School System has been raping the taxpayers for many years under the tired mantra "It's for the kids!"

    When the Hell is the public going to speak up and demand that the BOE stops this wasteful spending.

    Do you ever wonder why Wicomico County doesn't have decent roads anymore?

    Do you ever wonder why the crime rate is so high in the City of Salisbury?

    Do you ever wonder why Wicomico County doesn't have it's own countywide paid fire department that will guarantee a decent response time?

    It's because of the school board budget.

  41. Anonymous said...
    BOE has to do 3 things that would start solving these problems.
    1) Held accountable for their wasteful spending
    2) Enforce discipline in the schools so Teachers can teach
    3) Hold Teachers accountable for teaching / performance

    June 4, 2018 at 7:02 PM

    That is a good start. One thing to remember is that "Fully Funding" the Board of Education requests WILL NOT make someone learn who doesn't want to learn. It will not make someone stay in high school to graduate if they need to work to help make ends meet.

    $7.5 Million dollars is what the BOE and the Nazi General Donna Hanlin is demanding with the help of Mike Dunn the Swinger and Bill Chamberlain the arrogant employee of the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce.

    Any decent employee of any of these businesses who are members of the Chamber or the Greater Salisbury Committee should demand that their employer terminate their memberships in these 2 wasteful, worthless and hateful organizations. They are not looking out for the best interest of its members or the county citizens. They are only in it for them.

    The business members of the Greater Salisbury Committee and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce are demanding that the elected body of Wicomico County do away with the revenue cap and increase taxes so that the Board of Education and others demanding "Full Funding" can get fully funded at the expense of the hardworking taxpayers.

    Keep in mind that the business owners live in nice, million dollar homes on the Wicomico River and developments like Nithsdale. These business owners can afford to pay more taxes however their underpaid employees working several jobs to make ends meet can not.

    These business owners make salaries like Dr. Donna Hanlin at $175,000 a year while the school teachers are struggling at $45,000 a year. Look at the pay difference at the bottom up to the top. The business owners are making even more than that of Donna Hanlin and paying their employees just minimum wage.

    Of course the owners and supervisors can afford the paying more taxes and the employees and the new teachers can not.

    Wake up people, speak up and demand your employer separates itself from the SACC and the GSC. Do what is right and protect the Revenue Cap. Say no to fully funding the Board of Education!

  42. I think a lot of them are affirmative action employess that they have to keep hiring more to replace those who leave or are fired. Which is rampant. Don't hire those that will stay on the job, hire those who just do not want to work or cannot stay sober or can't stay away from drugs. Cannot say how many county workers I have smelled alcohol on. Plus how about those who let people without permits use the county dump? It was going on a few years back, bet it still is.

  43. so what is included under the "other charges" catagory? we are paying out the nose for things and its listed as "other charges'...we need accountability and to know where every dollar that is spent goes...this money is our of our pockets not picked off of trees... we want exact funding accountability. transparency of every dollar spent. cut them off until they can show the tax payers as to where this money is going.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Cant hold teachers accountable with the battles they fight each day and no back up. Teaching doeant happen when there are constant disruptions and the children arnt allowed to be put out

    June 4, 2018 at 8:08 PM

    Most of your teachers are liberals. This is what they wanted. You can't discipline a child anymore because you might hurt their feelings. The kids figured this out quick and have used it to their advantage. It's a shame the liberals can't figure it out! The liberals just want to keep people dumb and indoctrinate them. So they have made their bed. Let them sleep in misery.

  45. Anonymous said...
    I think a lot of them are affirmative action employess that they have to keep hiring more to replace those who leave or are fired. Which is rampant. Don't hire those that will stay on the job, hire those who just do not want to work or cannot stay sober or can't stay away from drugs. Cannot say how many county workers I have smelled alcohol on. Plus how about those who let people without permits use the county dump? It was going on a few years back, bet it still is.

    June 5, 2018 at 1:45 PM

    You obviously missed the point. These are not employees that are replacing employees that quit, these 115 new hires are employees that have been added to the payroll. Do the math as the original post state.

  46. Anonymous said...
    so what is included under the "other charges" catagory? we are paying out the nose for things and its listed as "other charges'...we need accountability and to know where every dollar that is spent goes...this money is our of our pockets not picked off of trees... we want exact funding accountability. transparency of every dollar spent. cut them off until they can show the tax payers as to where this money is going.

    June 5, 2018 at 5:25 PM

    I watched the meeting last night on Pac 14 and it looks like John Cannon is pushing to give the BOE an additional $1 Million dollars? Is that correct?

  47. How many private employers get to keep adding that many employees year after year even if the business hasn't increased. How many students have increased over the years? Not much, but they still hired hundreds of additional employees. Dr. Hanlin needs to be fired, but the President of the BOE, Don Fitzgerald, a Democrat, said she was the best thing to happen to Wicomico County Public Schools.

  48. I remember 2 years in a row that the county employees, the state employees and the city employees all took furloughs, but the Wicomico County Public Schools employees didn't take furloughs. As a matter of fact, they took pay increases and the following years they got even higher pay increases to "make up for what they missed."

    Again the public didn't say a damn thing and allowed it to happen.

  49. What happened to Mr. Voice himself, John Palmer, who wanted to get on the Board of Education to watch how our tax dollars are spent. I'm hearing he now wants to do away with his own Revenue Cap. You people are crazy.

  50. 12:07 that would be correct. I sat in s meeting a few months ago and he stood in front of all there and said the revenue cap needs to be removed! Now he is reaping benefits of the BOE he wants more tax dollars pumped in. All because he now benefits. Think before you elect him.

  51. 10:09 - Indeed I do pay taxes! I never said the WCBOE should get a bigger budget. What I said, had you chosen to read it, was that the top heavy staff at the Central Office needs to be severely cut. I work for peanuts for the WCBOE and what I see on a daily basis is outrageous. Parents need to step up and be parents. Schools need to free themselves from the DOJ's bullying (can't suspend a special education student, can't suspend certain ethnic groups, etc., without approval from the BOE, etc.), cut the ridiculous number of supervisors, coordinators and directors at the top, and spend that money on the students. If there's anything left, use it to attract strong teachers. We are burning out our teachers with the discipline disruptions with no solutions. Classroom assistants, office personnel, maintenance employees all make salaries that are impossible - truly impossible - to live on. I wish Joe would post salaries again so all who whine about our salaries can see the truth.

    By the way, I totally agree that hiring Paul Butler was an absurd and unnecessary move. Donna Hanlin has been a huge disappointment - all of her promises when she took the job were EMPTY.

  52. too many chiefs .the teachers deserve combat pay as they are on the front line every day while the chiefs sit back in their secure safe spaces and shuffle papers all day to insure and substantiate their position and excess paychecks.the golden goose is on life support and fading fast.we need more competent teachers and cops and fewer boe chiefs.how did we ever survive back in the 50's and 60's without all these bureaucrats.?a high school diploma isn't worth a bucket of spit vs 30 years ago. many grads can't balance a checking account or prepare a change of address form on a uspo form.

  53. Hiring that many employees and demanding $7.5 million dollars more to "fully fund" their budget is a criminal act. We all know Mike Dunn is a criminal and stole property with Barrie Tilghman when he was on the city council.

    I heard that Bill Chambers has a criminal side of him as well. I can tell that by talking to him.

    They are trying to get Bill McCain and Jamaad Gould elected so they both can raise the minimum wage to $15, lift the Revenue Cap and fully fund Ms. Hanlin's request for millions.

    Don't be a fool and vote for those 2. You won't be able to afford to live in Wicomico County again, especially if you are a renter.

  54. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Cant hold teachers accountable with the battles they fight each day and no back up. Teaching doeant happen when there are constant disruptions and the children arnt allowed to be put out

    June 4, 2018 at 8:08 PM

    Then tell those damn teachers to quit voting for Democrats and vote Republican for a change. As long as they keep voting for Democrats they will continue to have thugs disrupting their classrooms.

  55. Only the teaching positions should be funded!

  56. 1 bad apple spoils the bunch is what the old folks used to say. 2-3 apples are spoiling the bunch in masses, all because of political correctness. Schools have been a disaster every sense no child left behind and inclusion. Children who defend themselves against the bad apples are now being labled disruptive. Alot of teachers selectively pick students they do not like and ignore others who create chaos allowing more chaos or are sneaky. Then you have these illegals. Causing havoc and getting passes. The school system is peril.

  57. Man! If you people are so dissatisfied with the BOE and how your bad azz, privileged, disrespectful,gangster, defiant, ill mannered, don't want to go to school, disruptive,scared, misbehaved,wild, mental illnesses, dopefend, alcoholic, and downright hateful kids; all parents should teach their own kids period. Parents receive all kind of help from the Federal and State Government and it's still not enough. I never had kids and I'm tired of paying taxes for a system that doesn't work.

  58. Dr. Hanlin needs to resign and the sooner the better.

  59. If Dr. Hanlin was retired already before you hired her shouldn't that have thrown up the red flag? She was retired because she could go no higher and no one else wanted her.

    Good Job Don Fitzgerald and the rest of your dumb a$$ Democrat-controlled Board of Education.

  60. No one on the Board of Education needs to be elected in this month's Election. Vote all new BOE members who are Republicans.

  61. Cut the budget instead. Convert the pensions over to 401k's and do it now!

  62. Get rid of a 6 figure salary, Fire Paul Butler. A wor wic grad can do his job.

  63. You all are hilarious. You sit back all year and do nothing and say nothing about Dr. Hanlin until it’s money time.

    She is the best thing to happen to WCBOE in years. Much better than Dr. Fredrickstein and Dr. Knowledge. She has made connections with the community, has a vision for our schools and is a great leader.

    Hes, Amit if the money is for new positions for universal pre k but that will be inevitable since it is a push by state and federal govt. and for you people that say the daycare centers prepare our kids for school, HILARIOUS! Have you even looked at the readiness scores of entering kindergarten students. Many of the lows scores are from non-public school pre-K students. And yes, there is data to back that up.

    And schools needs more reading intervention teachers because lame duck parents don’t spend time with their kids to help hem read anymore. When 50% of kids exit kindergarten and can’t read, that is not all on teachers. You can’t make chicken salad out of chicken sh!t.

    Again, eidcstiin isn’t easy and it takes funding and support.

  64. Hanlin needs to resign. Now. Obviously has ZERO clue.
    Fall on your sword and save the kids "doctor".


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