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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Gay Maryland gubernatorial candidate kisses his husband in ad first aired on Fox News in a move designed to 'p**s off' Donald Trump

An openly gay Maryland candidate for governor has just aired his political advertisement that features him kissing his husband in a move designed to 'p**s off' President Donald Trump.

State Senator Richard Madaleno first aired the 30-second ad on Thursday in the Washington area on the Fox News show 'Fox & Friends', which happens to a favorite of Trump's.

It was also posted on his campaign website and will continue to air across Maryland.



  1. That's the most disgusting perverse thing I've ever seen.

  2. We're all entitled to our opinions; ergo, that picture is disgusting.

  3. I thank my lucky stars more and more everyday since leaving Maryland....🤣🤣🤣😂😂☺️☺️

  4. Ain't that a miracle. Two white men begot 2 black kids. How can that be?
    IMO that is not my Lord and Saviors plan. Madaleno is shown kissing its husband according to the report so it must be the wife. Play that ad all you want you still will not get my vote.

  5. How many "other" candidates kiss their spouses in their political advertisement? "so let me be known by by sexual preference rather than the political platform that is important to me getting elected"

  6. If you want to raise taxes, take guns, open boarders keep Obamacare then just make fun of the President because you will never get elected on democrats policy. Trump openly supports gay people and campaigned on it.

  7. Go ahead and not vote for Hogan. This is what you will get as a governor.

  8. He doesn't look happy.

  9. Abnormal does not mean it is newsworthy.

  10. Is Ireton the one on the right side?

  11. 2:36 you are correct....think his conscience is bothering him?

  12. I can't remember any other candidate that has run for office that felt the need to kiss their spouse for the camera. This is just the liberal agenda. See how many people they can offend to further their agenda.

  13. A gay governor in Maryland? Ha!

  14. I never recall a heterosexual couple putting on a display when one of the spouses decided to run for public office. With the homosexual, it always about sex and confrontation. Grow up you morons! Your politics suck just like you!

  15. I very seriously doubt if it will "piss off" President Trump. It will probably however fill him with disgust and make him want to wretch, just as it does me. I really don't care if two guys want to kiss and get married I just don't understand the need to throw it in my face. So glad I left Maryland too.

  16. So we have an openly gay man and an openly gay woman running for Democrat governor and Chelsea manning running for office. And you wo dear why more people are voting republican.

  17. Gross, I just threw up. God made the men's reproductive organ for a woman's reproductive organ. The reproductive system or genital system is a system of sex organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of sexual reproduction. What is it that gays and lesbians can't understand that it is wrong to do this nasty act. I guess they will find out when they die and go to hell.

    1. If AIDS didn't teach them, nothing will. I think that all the money that they wasted on the HIV drugs that keep them alive should have went to something worthwhile.

  18. You are either born with a Y or X chromosome. So being gay has to be a choice. It is a mental illness. That goes for trans-gendered as well. You are a boy or a girl period. LGBTQ really John Hopkins stated it is a mental illness enough coddling perversion. Love the sinner hate the sin.

  19. The sad thing will be if the lost souls of md will vote for this gay libturd. Who cares i still love them , its their souls we all have freewill

  20. I agree with 154 - have you noticed how many homosexuals want to be IDENTIFIED by their sexual behaviors?

    How many of us constantly flaunt and speak about our sexual behaviors in public?


  21. So, I guess they're going to call me a homophobe.


    Those queers are disgusting!

  22. Why would anyone think this would p**s anyone off? I guess in their mixed up minds they thought this would be cute and clever of them. This only proves they are mixed up perverts but no one cares about the mixed up sexual deviants to get PO'ed. Freaks like them aren't worth normal people's time. If they want to engage in doing that nasty gross perverted stuff homosexuals do then that's their problem.

  23. LOL I have news for these little sissy perverted boys-the President could care less what 2 perverts are doing. He's busy running a country and Making America Great Again.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Ain't that a miracle. Two white men begot 2 black kids. How can that be?
    IMO that is not my Lord and Saviors plan. Madaleno is shown kissing its husband according to the report so it must be the wife. Play that ad all you want you still will not get my vote.

    June 8, 2018 at 1:52 PM

    Well I would suggest this is the only way💩💩💩

  25. Anonymous said...
    Is Ireton the one on the right side?

    June 8, 2018 at 2:57 PM

    No, but he has been there.

  26. Anonymous said...
    I never recall a heterosexual couple putting on a display when one of the spouses decided to run for public office. With the homosexual, it always about sex and confrontation. Grow up you morons! Your politics suck just like you!

    June 8, 2018 at 3:54 PM


  27. In the early 1800's they would have been put in an insane asylum because they obviously have a mental problem.

    Does anyone else think we actually had some better laws 200 years ago?

  28. Anonymous said...
    So we have an openly gay man and an openly gay woman running for Democrat governor and Chelsea manning running for office. And you wo dear why more people are voting republican.

    June 8, 2018 at 4:06 PM

    What does that tell you about the people of Maryland?

  29. Americans have been conditioned to think it's ok to be gay when in fact it's a mental issue. That's how we have been indoctrinated but fortunately, some of us are more intelligent than that.

  30. Wait

    at first glance.....

    I thought it was Jake Day and Sheriff Mike Lewis on Mike's Harley

  31. No way this person gets elected to anything. He just wants to show off his gayness.

  32. I don't care what people do in the privacy of their home / bedroom...I do NOT want to see it though...please, spare us

  33. Too bad you ALL live in Delaware and can't do s thing about it but BITCH.

    1. You have that nut case BIDEN

      I understand he was banging Barry Obama in the White House Bathroom

  34. No one recalls a heterosexual putting out a campaign ad like this because homosexuals are obsessed unnatural sex because they are perverts. This doesn't p**s anyone off it only proves homosexuals are sexual deviants who are abnormally obsessed with doing dirty nasty sexual acts and have a compelling urge they can not control to show off while they are engaging in the perversions.

  35. There is no such thing as sexual preference when it comes to an act of perversion. These two are more into masturbation than sex.


  36. You know you're in love when you exploit someone dear to make a political point!

    Choosing to publicize his lifestyle in this fashion tells us a lot about this character, and none of it is flattering. Not interested in this candidate, who is from the Brian Frosh school of wacko legislation.

  37. LOL toooo funny it appears any idiot can be a politician so two men kissing makes you qualified for office. What has Maryland turned into we let people knowingly destroy Baltimore now men kissing next Cosby will be mayor of bmore they had a crackhead for DC.so why not?

  38. Trump won't be pissed, why would he? He may be disgusted at the open display though.

    Some or more heterosexuals are even disgusted at a man and woman openly displaying close bodily contact and kissing in public. They may even shout "Get a hotel room!"

    I know lesbians who find this stuff disgusting.

    The general public may think, the homosexual community is monolithic, that is not correct.

    There are lesbians who can not tolerate homosexual men but have total respect for heterosexual men.

  39. Bingo. The press tries to make it about sexual preference. It’s unrefined for a candidate to be photographed in a lip lock, regardless.

  40. If that "pisses off" anyone, they are an idiot with too much time on their hands.

  41. JESUS!! I just threw up my lunch! Please warn me next time!

  42. Makes us want to throw up! Disgusting !

  43. That's the most disgusting perverse thing I've ever seen.

    June 8, 2018 at 12:47 PM

    Then you've led an incredibly sheltered life if two men kissing is the most perverse thing you've ever seen.

  44. Sick - Not at all natural.

  45. @ 7:03 I feel sorry for you if you think it's natural or acceptable, It's a mental illness and ignoring or pretending it's normal is cruel these people need help.

  46. More Queer "in your face" crap. Decent people don't want to see that s#!t.

  47. And that was the "Kiss of Death" for his campaign.

  48. June 10, 2018 at 7:03 PM:

    My God! And what, pray tell, is the most perverse thing you have seen in your unsheltered and perverse life? Just what is YOUR standard of perverse? I would really like to know. Do you know the definition of perverse? I help you with that too:

    (of a person or their actions) showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.


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