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Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Trump Should Cancel Senate’s August Recess

President Donald Trump should make history by using his constitutional power to recall the Senate (but not the House) in August, canceling the August recess, and force the Senate to stay in session five (or six?) days per week until the Senate confirms a record number of federal judges and fills key positions in his administration to enact his America First agenda.

Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution provides that the president has the power to “convene both Houses, or either of them.” President Trump can call the Senate back into session while leaving the house in recess. No president has ever used that power to recall just one chamber—the Senate—for the specific purpose of confirming nominees.



  1. If only the Republicans show up, what then?

  2. He absolutely should call them in, and 5:30, so be it, they will get the job done without the Dems, who should wind up in prison.


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