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Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Media’s ‘Melania missing in action’ narrative took Trump Derangement Syndrome to new heights

Mainstream media members jumped the shark and took Trump Derangement Syndrome to new heights by concocting tales of domestic abuse when trying to determine first lady Melania Trump’s whereabouts before she showed up to a White House event on Monday night.

Melania Trump was painted as “missing in action” when news broke on Sunday night that the first lady, who is fresh off an operation for a kidney condition, will not join her husband on a pair of international trips. CNN even aired a graphic of a calendar, placing question marks on each date since the first lady was “last seen” on May 10 – but CNN’s coverage turned out to be less appalling than some conspiracy theories floated on Twitter.

Rolling Stone senior writer Jamil Smith wrote, “I wish that I didn’t suspect that the prolonged, poorly explained public absence of Melania Trump could be about concealing abuse. I wish that it was a ludicrous prospect.”

Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor told Fox News that CNN’s calendar graph “was sickening,” but “to see a Rolling Stone writer claim the absence was possible domestic violence is demented.”

The Atlantic senior editor David Frum also insinuated that domestic violence was the reason why Melania Trump laid low for a few weeks.

“Suppose President Trump punched the first lady in the White House.."

More insanity here


  1. is there anything at all the potus won't be accused of?

    1. Making this country great again!

  2. I can imagine how much pain an operation on my kidney would cause and think I wouldn't want to move for 3-4 weeks very much at all.

    I just wish I didn't suspect Jamil Smith came up with that scenario because of how he treats his own wife.

  3. To answer your question 11:51 PM, Probably Not. I swear I don't know how much more ridiculous it can get, but they will come up with some more crap I'm sure.

  4. Let them go.

    They don't see just how low-level stupid they sound.
    With absolutely NO evidence of anything, they MAKE UP theories and the crazier the theory, the more they crow and prance, as if THEY have finally discovered the one thing that can bring Trump down.
    It's not even journalism.
    They are not journalists. I want the facts and the news, but CNN spends most of it's time spinning fairy tales and giving a national platform for these outrageous speculations.
    Malania had a kidney operation, doesn't appear in public, and these bozo's start asking "Has she been beaten to death by the President? Have aliens captured her because Trump won't go along with their plans for the conquest of Earth? Have the Russians kidnapped her and negotiations are failing??
    Has she told Trump she wants a divorce and HE had her killed?
    America looks at Trump and all the things he's done and then listens to the news and say to themselves "are they talking about the same guy we are seeing???"
    The sky ain't green. Another CNN viewer just turned the channel on them.
    That takes them down to about 17 viewers.

  5. Talk about grabbing at straws.


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