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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Life with Father, A Dying Breed

In 1952, I was five years old when I walked into the kitchen of our 6th floor apartment in the Baltimore government projects. Dad stood as Mom sat at the table with a spoon in her hand tapping on a glass. Mom was preparing Dad to take the test to become one of Baltimore City's first black firefighters. By tapping the glass with a spoon, Mom was teaching Dad the alarm bells he was required to recognize. Mom was a tough teacher. “No! That's wrong! Listen and get it right!” Not only did Dad learn the alarm bells, he became a super firefighter, winning “Firefighter of the Year” two times.

Dad went to be with Jesus at age 90, June 1, 2018. Passing away with Dad is a generation in which parents were parents rather than treating children as peers/friends. My baby brother who is a cop said that it is stunning the number of parents who call the police because their child refuses to go to school.

In Dad's day, manliness was encouraged. Dad liked John Wayne, Hopalong Cassidy, and Roy Rogers. Today, little boys are drugged for behaving like boys. Kindergarten thru college males are being transformed into metrosexual wimps. Public schools are erasing gender lines and encouraging transgenderism as early as pre-k. SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) laws require elementary teachers not to address students as boys and girls.

We are moving towards a fatherless America...

Read more here


  1. Yeah, grab the little whiner by the ear and walk him into the school!

    You will spend the rest of the day in jail!

    Parenting has been made illegal!

  2. Not at my house.

  3. Truth is spoken here. Home School your children and Train them in the admonition of the Lord. This is the way we were raised back in the day. Not everyone went to Church, BUT Most knew what the Bible taught...

    1. Things have changed. It’s been proven that the earth isn’t flat and people these days don’t have a lot of time for your religious fairy tales and fantasies.


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