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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Democratic Governors Threaten to Sue Over Trump's Abortion Rule

Democratic governors are threatening to sue the Trump administration over a proposed rule that would force Planned Parenthood to give up its federal grants or keep family-planning and abortion-related services under different roofs.

"If this reckless policy is finalized as written, we will have no choice but to explore all possible avenues, including legal options, to block it from harming the women in our states," Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and 13 fellow members of the Democratic Governors Association wrote in a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. "Our voices will be heard on this damaging proposal, and we are prepared to match our words with action."

Earlier this month, the Trump administration announced that it would develop a new rule governing so-called Title X family-planning funds to make it harder for providers of abortions and related services to obtain federal money. While it is already illegal to use taxpayer funds for abortion, Planned Parenthood and similar groups use federal grants for other women's health care services while using private money for abortion-related services — often at the same facilities and with the same personnel.
View Full Story From NBC News


  1. Sue away and by the way Senate keep approving Trump's picks for Judges

  2. The Democratic Governors Association. Say no more.

  3. Why is the government suing and using tax payers money. PP should bring the suit and not tax payers

  4. Democrats just giving their lawyer donors work.

  5. Yeah, all the losers keep suing Trump over EVERY policy change he makes. And every time he wins (most of the time), he is just that much closer to re-election by the electorate. Keep it up losers. Trump is starting to love it.


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