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Monday, June 04, 2018

If The Economy Is So Great, Why Are 78 Million Americans Hustling For Dimes?

Even though the official unemployment rate has dropped to a 18-year low of 3.8%, the economy is still broken for a great number of Americans who are living a precarious existence - nearly invisible and economically marginalized.

For millions of Americans, the security and income of a steady 9-to-5 job is as far out of reach as it was during the worst of the Great Recession. Some, of course, have simply given up on finding any job, discouraged about their employment prospects after so many years out of work.

Many others have resorted to scrambling for a buck here and a buck there, cobbling together a patchwork of irregular hours and side hustles.



  1. Pretending to be homeless and begging is easier than working a real job.

    1. They do that constantly at Dunkin Donuts on South Salisbury blvd

  2. Small businesses just starting to come back from 8years of Obama.

  3. 757
    Obama was a puppet of the elite who destroyed the economy.
    Obama is merely a symptom.
    Trump is another symptom. Puppet.

    The enemy is inside the gate.

  4. People may have to pull up stakes and move to where there are jobs waiting to be filled. Manufacturing job openings where there is still manufacturing. Mostly midwest.

  5. They must be displaced government employees who may have to actually work for a living now.

  6. The drop in unemploument is calculated nationwide, not just here in Salisbury where business is leaving because no one wants to work, they just want handouts.


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