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Saturday, June 09, 2018

House GOP Cuts Spending $15 Billion; Dems All Voted No

House Republicans approved $15 billion worth of “rescission” spending cuts late Thursday night in a tiny step to make up for that $1.3 trillion omnibus package passed earlier this year.

President Donald Trump proposed the cuts to rescind billions of unused or unnecessary funds from various government programs. House lawmakers approved the measure on a 210 to 206 vote with all but 19 Republicans supporting it and all Democrats opposed. The Senate still needs to approve the package before it can be sent to Trump for his signature.

Republicans argued the move is a simple housecleaning of the budget since the funds weren’t going to be used for their intended purpose. Democrats countered that the package would drain funds from needed programs like the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).



  1. Of course the Dems offered no proofs, only whines.

  2. Smell that? That's pork.

  3. Democrats claim it's always for the children most for aborted ones.


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