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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Dems propose national firearms licensing system

Two House Democrats on Wednesday introduced legislation that would set up a federal firearms licensing system, and all gun sales and transfers to be registered on this system.

Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., introduced the bill after a recent wave of school shootings, but he has introduced similar bills in past congresses.

The Blair Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act would prohibit unlicensed gun ownership, and would require a valid firearms license for transferring and receiving guns. It would require universal background checks for all sales and transfers of guns, and would make it easier for state and federal officials to trace guns.



  1. Nope, no dice. There are thousands of gun laws on the books. Crimes involving guns and homicides are down tremendously since the early 1990s. You get nothing more than what's already on the books regarding guns, Democrats.

  2. Another tax...Taxation is slavery !

  3. This already exists! Idiots! How do you think they trace transfers and ownership now? Make it easier to trace them so they can confiscate or impose heavy fines for individuals who do not turn in when they say.

  4. The end desire by Dems is to take them all and never have anyone sell or own another.

  5. The most recent school shootings occurred when the kid grabbed a legally purchased gun from his father.
    All democrats want to do is create a database for gun owners so when they have the opportunity to seize guns, it will make it easier.
    Another law or database is NOT going to cure mental illness.

  6. Will never register any firearms I own. It just gives them a list to go door to door taking them from everyone but the criminals. They don't follow the law now and they actually believe a criminal is going to register theirs?

  7. First you license them, or register them.
    Then, you take them.

    That is exactly how it worked in Nazi Germany.

    The NRA will support this 'common sense' measure.
    I guarantee it.

  8. Shall not infringe . . .

  9. With school out for the summer what will the left media do to glorify nut cases over the summer break?

  10. Democrats ultimate goal is confiscation. When they come to get my guns people will die.

  11. Pass that, and the next legislation will be to make guns illegal. That registry will be used to confiscate guns, if it passes. That's the real intent of a registry. They will need a way to identify where all those illegal guns are, once they make gun ownership illegal.


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