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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Democrats outline demands for North Korea deal

Senate Democrats told President Trump on Monday that they won’t accept a deal to lift sanctions on North Korea unless the country completely and permanently eliminates its nuclear and missile testing program.

"Sanctions relief by the U.S. and our allies should be dependent on dismantlement and removal of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J. wrote in a letter to Trump. "Any deal that explicitly or implicitly gives North Korea sanctions relief for anything other than the verifiable performance of its obligations to dismantle its nuclear and missile arsenal is a bad deal."

They also said the deal must also result in the "complete and verifiable de-nuclearization of North Korea," an end to North Korea's ballistic missile tests, and "robust compliance inspections." Any deal that doesn't meet these requirements could be blocked by Congress, they warned.



  1. Losers don't get to make demands. Talking to you, Democrats.

  2. I think that the President already has these things in mind.

  3. The Dems have sit back and done nothing and now the Republican President is working so hard to bring our nation back to where it needs to be, and now they want to make demands! He doesn’t need the interference of the do nothing dems!

  4. Democrat agenda, the only Democrat agenda, is to obstruct anything Donald Trump does for our country's security or future. Democrats are the enemy of America and our interests. They are only interested in power and re-election, so they can ignore the Constitution and all America stands for.

  5. These are the same losers that backed obama's iran plan that would give them nukes.

  6. Dems - SHUT UP!

  7. OMG the absolute height of hypocrisy...they let Obama have Iran run free with nukes (the deal WILL let them have nukes eventually), give then pallets of cash..guess where Iran will aim the nukes first? At Big and Little Satan (that would be America, for those kiddos not paying attention ) and Israel. Now the Dems want to make sure there are actual limits? Sit down Schumer, and let the adults have the room...

  8. When the retarded Democrats had their very own Muslim moron in the Whitehouse why didn't they make demands then?

    Oh that's right, their President was a yellow chicken shit no good useless coward, too busy making apologies all over the world!

  9. They are positioning themselves to claim THEY got all their "demands", when they all know these things are the major points for TRUMP'S team.
    When, and if, the deal is done, they will claim credit for the hard line they took and how THEY made the world safe agin.
    WHERE WERE THEY when clinton and obama practically GAVE them nuclear power and materials??
    Trump should hold a press conference and tear that demand letter up on national TV.
    And tell the world those dumb aces are about 10 years too late.
    What will they demand next? Sanctions on Iran???
    The democrats are like a man alone in the middle of the ocean -- no raft, no boat, no life preserver, no hope.
    He still has to cling to hope that a miracle will save him. So he flails and struggles to survive (like the current loser democrats, who, time and again, show they don't give a crap about America, our values, or our CITIZENS).
    It's only a matter of time.
    Keep cheering.


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