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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Children's Section At Target

I personally refuse to shop at Target, NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT, RIGHT?


  1. Stop molesting children Target !!!! #NeverTarget

  2. Never was much of a place to shop. But I refused to go there since they bad mouthed our military years ago. Never was a place to go on my list.

  3. I think if there is something a company says or does that you don't like, in this case the LGBT bull crap, you are in your own right to do so and I recommend that you do and I praise you for it too...

    The on;y way to make a difference these days is hut the company where it hurts, their pockets... That is only the time they will listen...

    1. 8:29- if a company does something I don't like I'm within my right to do so. Err...do what? Do so? Proof reading. A lost art.

  4. Now I know where the employees of the City of Salisbury shop!

  5. I agree. It is irresponsible to PROMOTE that lifestyle to children.

    If they legitimately adopt that lifestyle later, when a bit older, then I respect their pride.

    Also, please realize that there is big money pushing these "alternate" lifestyles.

  6. I've only been in a Target maybe once or twice. I've even had a gift card for 25$ from their for years. Then when they started with the bathroom crap I swore I'd never walk in the place again. Let democrats shop there. They are all beneath me anyway and I won't foul my air with their rank air.

  7. Been on my no go list for awhile,along with Starbucks,Pannera Bread and Dicks Sporting goods.Weird places,with weird people.

  8. I quit shopping at Target when they allowed men in the ladies restroom, now they have given me another reason to not do business with them! What is happening to our great Country?

  9. I haven't shopped at Target for years now. Anyone that signs up for one of their registries will not get a gift from me that came from there either. I will send a gift card for another place or cash.

  10. Haven't been back since the bathroom crap. Not allowing my kids to shop there or use their bathrooms there. Support perverts I hope Target goes out of business like Toys R Usa

  11. There is nothing to be proud of to be gay or to support homos. If you want to support gay people then encourage them to seek mental help.

    This is just wrong on so many levels.

  12. What this is doing is encouraging nonsupporters to buy into this mental disease.

    The more normal people that see this, the more they will think it's ok. It's wrong.

  13. Less than 3% of Americans identify as Gay so places like Target thinks there is a market for this crap?

    1. well you got Jake Day

      And the other ex mayor who shop there

  14. I also stopped shopping there because of the bathroom crap (pun intended) I called their headquarters and told then exactly why.


  15. Thank you Target for continuing to remind me not to shop there. The bathroom deal was the endpoint for me also. They had a clean store and some nice items unique to their brand. Haven't regretted the 'sacrifice'.

    Starbucks, Disney, Dicks are on my don't shop list, too.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:29- if a company does something I don't like I'm within my right to do so. Err...do what? Do so? Proof reading. A lost art.

    June 13, 2018 at 9:47 AM

    I think he was responding to the statement under the picture. Proofreading is good, but so is comprehension.

  17. Note that this is in the Boys Dept

  18. I was in there yesterday and a woman was giving another woman a boatload of crap because the woman let her 10 year old boy use the ladies room.
    Most women that I know don't want a male (above the age of 2 or 3) in the bathroom with them and that goes for the cross-dressing, pink and purple haired girlie boys who prance around demanding "respect" and the right to watch women use the restroom.
    Entropy. It is crumbling our society.

  19. They had the same stuff at Central Tractor I was shocked.

  20. They can do what they want but I won't shop there.

  21. Haven't been there in over a year. Use to go at least two or three x a month.

  22. I went there once about ten years ago.


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