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Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Viewer Called: Two Men With A Gun On Playground At Prince Street Elementary: UPDATE

UPDATE: It turns out two black males were apprehended at the scene brandishing pistol BB-guns. The school was in lockdown and from what I understand the Teachers were scared to death. I mean, WHO in their right mind today would actually go on school grounds and do such a thing. Complete Idiots! 

Fake or real, (guns) two men are at the Prince Street Elementary School Playground where several Sheriff's Deputies are currently on the scene. Thank God the kids are out of school but the Teachers are there. 


  1. They were practicing for a real shooting. They were checking out response times. Lock them up and toss away the key!

  2. They weren't there for a joke. They knew damn right well this would cause terror. Now this is proof these boys have violent natures and should be dealt with like the future murderers they are going to be.

  3. Please don't downgrade this.Some BB guns are lethal.Stop laughing at me.they are.Even some BB pistols have a muzzle velocity of 1000 FPS,and that can kill a person.

  4. Can't fix STUPID - EVER!

  5. Turned out to be a kid with a BB gun

  6. Lets get more guns so that the can be more incidents of this more and more.
    $% of the worlds population and have 45% of civilian guns . Some paranoid people out there

  7. You know what? People cannot be anymore stupid than these.

  8. Idiots should be charged with terrorizing!!The school tools it as serious, as well they should have . The deputies could have shot them with just cause . Wth would provoke this display of insanity? I have a theory that they may been attempting to rob the staff members.What if a staff member were to suffer a heart attack or miscarriage? Not be shocked if a few or more will have some PTSD thanks to the senseless act of These thugs .

  9. Just think if a citizen carrying a gun seen them and confronted them,could be 2 dead people.

  10. This is too real our house in the same neighborhood was shot at last September by a high powered BB gun in our front window and shot out the glass in our front door. Then the following week shot up our house again. We need better protection in this area and I hope they all are caught and yes they need to serve time, and the parents.

  11. These dumb asses are lucky they weren't shot.

  12. I sure don't care to be shoot in the eye or ass with a BB weapon.

  13. Now if the cops would have shot the thugs there would be riots in every town on the Eastern Shore. The "parents" would be putting on a show howling like fools and lying about what good boys they were.

  14. I live in this neighborhood. I keep myself armed with some type of weapon. I have no problem killing a juvenile if I feel threatened.

  15. To say nothing about the fact that kids are also likely to be outside playing while these fools threatened the safety of everyone in the area - this whole neighborhood has been a problem for quite some time - I’m sure the boy mayor has a perfectly logical excuse for why he is not cracking down on crime....


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