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Thursday, May 31, 2018

What's Hillary Hiding about Her Health?

Hillary Clinton is either the gift that keeps on giving or else like houseguests who overstayed their welcome, depending on your perspective. For Republicans, her continued presence in the public eye, whining and complaining about the election, providing a new excuse each week, is an electoral gift, as she is one of the faces of the modern Democratic Party.

Along with Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, these three are the witches of Macbeth, circled around a CNN microphone chanting, "Double, double, toil and trouble, Trump's a pig, stole the election, and should be impeached." Sorry for the non-rhyme; maybe Jesse Jackson can help with that part of the incantation.

If Democrats hope to beat Trump in 2020, or take either house of Congress in November, they need fresh ideas besides Russia and Stormy and a new face of the party rather than a two-time loser who is quite unlikeable. And there is still the nagging issue about her health.

The media are willing and eager to look in every nook and cranny for evidence of Trump-Russian collusion, and to date, they have come up with nothing. But which journalists have investigated Mrs. Clinton's health? The presidency is a demanding job with a similarly vigorous campaign required to earn the votes to become president. Mrs. Clinton failed in the campaign. How would she have done as president?



  1. Will people stop telling the democrats why they keep losing.

  2. Hillary would run for office if her head was in a jar.

  3. Personally I wish her a long life...in prison.

  4. The author does not seem to understand that the current Hillarys are clones of the original, who died on Sept 11, 2016.

  5. Clinton, Waters and Pelosi remind me of the of the ole witches Eastwick. all that the Hildabeast want is to be the first president. That's it. Do any of thant she deserve to be president? Hell to the "F" no. She truly doesn't care about the American people.

  6. I believe her problem is, she is a drunk. She has problems walking. Just like a drunk does. Someone out there knows what her problem is and they need to blow the whistle on her.


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