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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Priests say Catholics who voted Yes on abortion can not be wed in Church

Two Northern Ireland priests said those who advocated to change Ireland’s restrictive abortion laws should not be “hypocritical and dishonest” on their wedding day.

Two Northern Ireland priests have said Catholics who voted Yes in the Eighth Amendment abortion referendum, which was won by 66.4%, should not be allowed to marry in a Catholic Church.

Father Patrick McCafferty, the Parish Priest of Corpus Christi parish, in Ballymurphy, West Belfast, wrote on his views in the Belfast Telegraph. He said those who voted Yes to change Ireland’s restrictive abortion laws can “get married in City Hall” to avoid being “hypocritical and dishonest by using the Church for a day".



  1. As a Catholic. What I don't understand why the church Loved OBAMA and democrats so much?? In church the sheep loved to give you settle hints who to vote for. The biggest offender's of abortions. SMH.


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