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Monday, May 07, 2018

Trump: ‘Weakness Gets You Nuclear War’

President Donald Trump on Friday pushed back against critics who claimed his tough posture toward North Korea would lead to nuclear war with the rogue regime, saying, "Weakness gets you nuclear war."

Trump brought up his North Korea policy while addressing the National Rifle Association's annual convention in Dallas, Texas, where he needled those voices that said his rhetoric and pressure campaign could trigger a nuclear confrontation on the Korean peninsula.

"With respect to North Korea, remember how strong it was when they were saying, ‘This is going to be nuclear war. We're going to have nuclear'—No," Trump said. "You know what gets you nuclear war? Weakness gets you nuclear war. Being weak gets you nuclear war. That's what gets you nuclear war."



  1. And mouthing off can get you an a$$ kicking.
    This whole NK deal is a setup.

  2. What happened to "speak softly but carry a big stick"?
    Trump's mouth is too big and he does not know what he is talking about


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