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Monday, May 07, 2018

How the Russian collusion myth was hatched by Team Hillary immediately after her loss

The Russian Collusion mythology is the most dominant story in the news media and has been for the past eighteen months… dating back to November 7, 2016. And when one examines the contemporaneous reporting by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes in their excellent book Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign-- Allen and Parnes had incredible access to the entire Clinton campaign infrastructure because their book was really meant to be a historical account of the triumphant campaign for the first female president in American history.

As we know, it didn’t work out that way. And the authors’ account of the immediate aftermath tells us much about how the media were spoon-fed the collusion narrative:

“She’s not being particularly self-reflective,” said one longtime ally who was on calls with her shortly after the election. Instead, Hillary kept pointing her finger at Comey and Russia. “She wants to make sure all these narratives get spun the right way,” this person said.

And if the Clinton campaign was good at anything, it was making sure narratives were “spun the right way.”

So, the entire team, within 24 hours of the devastating loss, assembled to hatch the story...


  1. The best thing that she could do for the Nation and the World is go to jail and die there.

  2. I said this from day 1. I knew it was a spin directed by Clinton and the DNC. That's what they do. They are experts at throwing smoke screens and using the MSM to continue to push their narrative. It's like whispering into a bullhorn. Anything you say will be heard loud and clear.
    Benghazi was her most notorious smoke screen, on which the MSM swallowed hook, line and sinker.
    The MSM journalists have got to be the dumbest and most gullible species on the planet, and the DNC plays them like a fiddle.

  3. What an incredible waste of talent to have people continuously thinking up crap like this.

  4. The swamp dwellers allowed it to go forth.


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