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Thursday, May 10, 2018

The U.S. Voting System Remains Vulnerable 6 Months Before Election Day. What Now?

As America heads toward the 2018 midterms, there is an 800-pound gorilla in the voting booth.

Despite improvements since Russia's attack on the 2016 presidential race, the U.S. elections infrastructure is vulnerable — and will remain so in November.

Cybersecurity expert Bruce Schneier laid out the problem to an overflowing room full of election directors and secretaries of state — people charged with running and securing elections — at a conference at Harvard University this spring.

"Computers are basically insecure," said Schneier. "Voting systems are not magical in any way. They are computers."



  1. This year's elections sponsored by:
    Stolichnaya vodka

  2. the only vulnerability is from illegals voting

  3. NPR "forgot" to mention that whole Pakistani spy ring being employed by Democrat Congressional leadership for the past 15 years.

  4. Take your 130K and shut up.

  5. Why does not the Administration utilize the many millions of dollars that it has ( $120,000,000) to investigation election process and probably abuse by Russia?

  6. My dead father got sent an absentee ballot for the 2016 presidential election, He had died in 2014. He was never taken off the rolls. Our system is crap!


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