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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Michelle Obama, take your snottiness and go

Michelle Obama, the former first lady who seems to have appointed herself the spokesperson for the fairer gender, has taken to criticizing her fellow women for voting for Donald Trump for president in 2016.

She’s “concerned” about women. She’s wondering “what is going on in our heads.”

Well, she needn’t be. In fact, better yet, she ought to just go away. And take that trail of condescension, too.

Obama’s snottiness, while typical of the left’s ever-present contempt toward the right, adds nothing to the current political climate but fire.



  1. Hey Michelle, As President Reagan said to the rude reporter."OH SHUT UP!"

  2. Yes, please, go away. Or, at least, stfu.

  3. Take your Adams apple out of here.

  4. Michelle, you are meaningless, and your opinions don't matter.

  5. Totally agree, she was never my "first lady" and never will be, hopefully the Obama years will be wiped from history forever.

  6. She just like the rest of the democrat party are completely out of touch with reality.
    The fact is most of the world isn't ready for a female world leader just like they weren't ready for a black president. Most of the world (Middle East, Asia, to some extent Australia and regions in Europe) still look down on women and blacks. They are not taken as seriously and are not respected. This is why obama failed on every single foreign policy he concocted. He knew he didn't stand a chance at negotiating so he caved to other countries which hurt the US. Obama was taken advantage of by many nations including our allies. He held no power over most countries because they looked down on him as a 2nd class person. This especially true with the Middle East who hate blacks whether they are Muslim or not. They feed Arabs are superior and are the blessed people and blacks are only around to be slaves to Arabs.

  7. Gitmo for BOTH OF THEM.

  8. Michelle, take you big fat ghetto ass and get out!

  9. Obama's go back to where you and your relitives live KENYA.

  10. I am a woman. I voted for Trump. Not because my husband told me to, as Hillary claimed. And there's nothing unusual going on in my head except concern to protect our freedom and purpose as a free society. This is just another ploy by liberals to make others feel weak and go along with their game plan to win back seats in the House or Senate and the White House in 2020.


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