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Monday, May 07, 2018

Subject: Navy to resurrect fleet to protect the East Coast and North Atlantic from Russia

The U.S. Navy has reactivated a fleet responsible for overseeing the East Coast and North Atlantic - an escalation of the Pentagon's focus on a resurgent Russia and its expanding military presence.

2nd Fleet, deactivated in 2011 to preserve funds for new ships, will resume operations in Norfolk, Virginia, on July 1, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson told reporters Friday.

"This is a dynamic response to the dynamic security environment," Richardson said onboard the carrier George H.W. Bush. "So as we've seen this great power competition emerge, the Atlantic Ocean is as dynamic a theater as any and particular the North Atlantic, so as we consider high-end naval warfare, fighting in the Atlantic, that will be the 2nd Fleet's responsibility."

Navy officials had previously recommended reactivating the fleet as part of broader force structure reviews following last year's deadly row of collisions among ships at the Japan-based 7th Fleet.

More here


  1. Perhaps we should move a current Carrier group and ships to the North Atlantic from some other part of the globe and let countries in those areas protect themselves for a change.

  2. Why would Russia want anything to do with the US?
    Our Country is bankrupt, our citizens are terrible employees, our infrastructure has not been upgraded since the 1950s, we are swamped with illegal aliens, the population is strung out on heroin and meth, . . .

    Why would they want America?

    We suck.

  3. Seems fishy to me there is more to the story than we are being told.

  4. Smell the mothballs as they steam by.

  5. Very interesting 233...interesting indeed!


  6. Help me out here. Seems to suggest that since we couldn't navigate safely in the world's largest ocean, putting a group in a smaller ocean would improve seamanship?

    It is sad that a number of sailors were injured or killed in preventable accidents. Sincerely hope enhanced training and awareness fixed the problems.


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