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Monday, May 07, 2018

National Shooting Sports Foundation Cancels Dick’s Sporting Goods Membership

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has canceled Dick’s Sporting Goods’ membership, thereby expelling the company from the organization.

The NSSF’s announcement came the day after renowned pistol and rifle maker Springfield Armory cut ties with Dick’s.

In expelling Dick’s, NSSF pointed to the company’s corporate gun control as well its efforts to lobby Congress for gun control legislation.

More here


  1. A sporting goods store, that supposedly caters to hunters and outdoors men with high priced clothing apparel, and fishing and hunting gear, is now anti-gun, and pro-gun regulation. WTF? How can that possibly be good for their business. Does ownership have a death wish for the business? They are killing themselves. Outdoor World and Cabela's are going to take all the hunters and their money away from Dicks. Now I know why they're called "Dicks."

  2. Y'all gonna put them out of business just like your boycott did to Target. SMH

  3. Bah hahahahahahahah
    I also will NOT shop there anymore.

  4. 2:44 Less than 10% of their floor space is/was dedicated to gun sales/ammo. If guns were a large percent of their annual sales they would not have dropped them.

  5. They are nothing more than a glorified clothing retailer.

  6. Anonymous said...
    2:44 Less than 10% of their floor space is/was dedicated to gun sales/ammo. If guns were a large percent of their annual sales they would not have dropped them.

    May 7, 2018 at 4:13 PM

    Yes, true but look at it this way. I will not shop there now and I did shop on the other 90% of the store, not just the 10%. I did buy my shoes, work boots, many pair of cool sunglasses, top of the line treadmill and ping pong table. Also I did my Christmas shopping there and clothes, fishing supplies, camping supplies, kids sports items for school sports and so on. I was a very regular customer spending a lot there.

  7. Probably not 3:00 appears we have allot of ignorant clueless progressiveturds still alive. Who believe they know whats good for all of us.
    Just like you!

  8. Sad that Dick's decision "back-fired".


  9. 4:13 You missed the point.

    Guns can have a strong margin; they put money through the register and have lots of options and accessories that accompany the sale or serve as a reason for a return visit. But by going PC they are motivating a large number of current or previous customers to actively avoid 100% of their floor space.

    Daughter and her hubby are enthusiastic golfers; most of their Christmas last year from me was purchased at Dick's. Some other merchant, who isn't trying to bend the Constitution, will sell those gifts in Christmases, birthdays, etc down the road.

    Multiply that resolve by thousands. Guns or not, Dick's shot themselves in both feet. They deserve all the ill-fortune they created.

  10. Where you gonna buy that stuff in Salisbury now?

  11. I've been to many suburban Dick's stores and never saw a person in the gun section.

  12. Dicks is a ripoff. Baseball glove at Dicks $95.00 same glove online $75.00


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