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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Salisbury Area Chamber President submits letter to the Editor: "Wicomico must invest in education — now"

May 8, 2019

Dear Editor,

At the recent Wicomico County Council public hearing on the FY 2019 county budget, the council’s meeting room was standing room only for discussion on the Board of Education’s budget for the coming fiscal year.

A cross-section of business lead­ers, organization leaders and par­ents testified before the County Council, and listed abundant con­cerns.

Among those concerns ex­pressed were investing in a univer­sal Pre-K Program for the county schools, the state’s Maintenance of Effort funding measurements, school staffing and the future of the system — all as detailed in “Imagine 2022,” the outstanding blueprint created by schools Su­perintendent Dr. Donna Hanlin.

The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce is joining with partners including the Greater Salisbury Committee, United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore, the Com­munity Foundation of the Eastern Shore and countless other individ­uals to implore our elected leader­ship to make bold decisions for our county as we move forward.

Terms such as “funding” and “spending” are out of touch with the reality of what public edu­cation demands in 2018. Invest­ment in public education — with a plan to measure that return on investment in human capital and economic impact — are the new norms.

Solid and sustained investment brings measured results in public education.

When Wicomico County allo­cates the “obligatory” state-man­dated of Maintenance of Effort figure, it will receive no a badge of honor — the county is merely following an arcane practice.

The business community under­stands that those who are pro-in­vestment in our schools are also pro-business.

These solid results, in commu­nities that invest in their public schools, include:

•Attracting the best and bright­est educators for our children.

•Securing educators who put down roots and stay in that juris­diction.

•Seeing graduation rates rise, achievement gaps narrow, test scores markedly improve and the school system rises in its statewide ranking.

Having these things happen would be very attractive to busi­nesses currently here, those want­ing to expand and businesses con­sidering Wicomico County as a place to locate their enterprise.

Before moving into a new terri­tory, businesses look hard at the quality of a jurisdiction’s public education system. They make busi­ness decisions based on a jurisdic­tion’s commitment to investing in a high-performing public school system.

Public education is the No. 1 driver of the economy in our coun­ty, city and state. Wicomico’s busi­ness and organizational commu­nity will no longer sit idly by and tolerate the continued commit­ment to obligatory funding.

We will demand our elected lead­ership make budget decisions that result in education investment.

We owe this to our children, families and our community.

Bill Chambers is the President & CEO of the Greater Salisbury Chamber of Commerce.


  1. Someone needs to tell Bill Chambers that once the county gives the BOE their money there is no control from the county on how the BOE spends it. Go demand the BOE leadership to make budget decisions that are in the best interest of education investment. Nothing but a dog and pony show with a lot of smoke screens.

  2. School vouchers of private schools is what we need.
    Throwing money at a problem like the public school system is not the answer.
    Most of us in the county cannot afford a further tax increase to pay for an already broken system. This is total BS.

  3. Let's look at some of the factors that effect a municipalities tax base:

    1. Area wages - As tax incentives are handed out like Halloween candy, a lower business property & inventory tax results.
    2. Potential business's look at the area's crime statistics....enough said
    3. With a MD State piggy-back tax rate of 60%, what incentive is there for a business to relocate to Wicomico County?
    4.For a good laugh, check where Wicomico County's public school system is ranked within the state of Maryland; 18 out of 23 I believe

    So, Wicomico County, you have the highest piggy-back tax rate in the state; you have no county police force, no county fire/EMS dept., and a marginal public education system.....and you want to attract business and generate tax revenue?

  4. Isn't it reasonable to expect the BOE to reveal their plan on how to increase the education of the kids? Just throwing more money at the problem doesn't stop the education system from turning out un-educated children. Baltimore is an expert at increasing graduation rates. They simply lowered the standards to where those that graduate get sent to the streets.

  5. Dear Readers (and that includes you Bill - we know you read this posting daily),

    I appreciate the opportunity to chime in...and in a word, HOOEY! For the last 30 years educational funds have been squandered so we could attract the 'Best and Brightest' and the truth that many of the teacher who we would like to retain leave after very short periods of time because they want nothing to do with attempting to educate hooligans. The same battle cry of 'it's for the children' has long since worn out its welcome, and you of all people should clearly see the dire financial situation Wicomico County is in. If you would like to attract the best and brightest, try corralling the crime situation and addressing the real issues of urban blight rampant in the area. The fact is, you are requesting that the tax base through away good money after bad. This is no investment at all, a poorly constructed argument, and a feeble and duplicitous attempt to sway support for yourself.

    Go back to the chalkboard Bill



  6. This character needs a good dose of Reality.... The only way to “keep kids in school” is to pay them to come and give them a Big bonus for not disrupting everything. This would still not work with a large population of them.

  7. No more funds for the liberals. They are not serving communities with education, they are allowing a free for all and brainwashing children with extreme leftist ideals. They are part of the takedown of the US by international Communists.

  8. just throwing money at a population who half is on free lunch will just become a black hole of wasted dollars.

  9. It is time to vote with our feet-leave this mismanaged area for almost anywhere else. At least in Sussex the voters have a say over the BOE spending.

  10. Wicomico puts out graduate's who can NOT for the life of them make change for a dollar now! And Bill Chambers feels throwing 10's of millions of dollars at it is going to fix it? He is insane! Start putting kids out which can make change for a dollar and then maybe mo money!!

  11. 2:57 PM & 2:59 PM excellent comments and everything I wanted to say. thank you

  12. Just another bunch of blowhards from Salisbury that think they should dictate to everyone in the County.

  13. 2:59 imagine if your tax dollars actually went to programs and didn't end up in the pockets of Congress and the House?

  14. Salisbury Chamber of Commerce likes to spend your money. Education has proven itself to be a bottomless pit because the education system regulates itself.
    The voucher system will make the education system accountable to the students and their parents.

  15. Yo Bill Chambers go suck eggs. You're delusional at best. If you want to continue to throw your money into a dead money pit then you go right ahead, nobody stopping you but when it comes to my money i say enough is enough. The BOE gets plenty of money now. If they had some accountability and budgeted properly then they would easily have more then enough to give these kids outstanding educations. Face it these kids for the most part will not stay in this area once they leave to go to college. The wages of these local jobs don't permit it. Nobody in their right frame of mind will graduate a college thousands in debt to settle for a just over the minimum wage job. If you think so then take those blinders off and get back into the real world. Most jobs don't pay the money that you must be making. you need a pay cut to keep up with the rest of us.

  16. Throwing money at a Failing System that has NO intention of CHANGING is a joke. STOP taking more of my tax dollars and WASTING them...this is MY money Sir.
    I used private education for 9 years for my children. Still had to pay for Failing Government/Public schools PLUS Tuition. My husband and I are truly just middle class. We Still drive older cars and live in the same house for past 50 years...Also helped pay for our Grands private education.
    If I had it to do over again; would Home School...This is the best way.

  17. GET SCHOOL VOUCHERS ON THE MD BALLOT NOW. no more waste fraud and abuse of our tax dollars by the TOPHEAVY useless cash pigs at the BOE

  18. You want more money because you feel you need to be babysitters. That's not your job. These people continually ask for more money to allow irresponsible parents to become even more neglectful.

  19. "The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce is joining with partners including the Greater Salisbury Committee, United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore, the Com­munity Foundation of the Eastern Shore and countless other individ­uals to implore our elected leader­ship to make bold decisions for our county as we move forward."

    Sir, if you look at the above statement that you pinned, you may see the problem. I don't fault you for your efforts because the letter was nicely written. The problem is the content. Look at the comments and you will see what is happening in our area. To think you are going to improve a already over "funded - spending" BOE that doesn't manage monies very well is like revitalizing downtown Salisbury. These two subjects have been going on since "the war on drugs". Please look deeper sir, the answers are in the comments.
    Oh, before you "demand", take a look around where the demands should be placed.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let's look at some of the factors that effect a municipalities tax base:

    1. Area wages - As tax incentives are handed out like Halloween candy, a lower business property & inventory tax results.
    2. Potential business's look at the area's crime statistics....enough said
    3. With a MD State piggy-back tax rate of 60%, what incentive is there for a business to relocate to Wicomico County?
    4.For a good laugh, check where Wicomico County's public school system is ranked within the state of Maryland; 18 out of 23 I believe

    So, Wicomico County, you have the highest piggy-back tax rate in the state; you have no county police force, no county fire/EMS dept., and a marginal public education system.....and you want to attract business and generate tax revenue?

    May 8, 2018 at 3:08 PM

    So you think throwing more money at a broken school system with 65% FARM(Free And Reduced Meals) is going to solve the problem?

    "you have no county police force"
    WTF do you think the Sheriff's Office is?

  21. Anonymous said...
    Isn't it reasonable to expect the BOE to reveal their plan on how to increase the education of the kids? Just throwing more money at the problem doesn't stop the education system from turning out un-educated children. Baltimore is an expert at increasing graduation rates. They simply lowered the standards to where those that graduate get sent to the streets.

    May 8, 2018 at 3:11 PM

    They have a plan. Donna Hanlin says the answer is to provide Universal PreK for all. Not much of a plan, but it is a plan. When you have so many kids from the ghetto that attend public schools, about 65% of the student body of kids from the ghetto who do not want to learn. There are no motivators or mentors in their lives to make them learn. It's not going to work Donna the Dumba$$!

  22. Ron Boltz President/CEO of Alarm Engineering has drunk the Kool-Aid and is harassing the County officials demanding they fund universal pre-k for Dr. Hanlin.

    "President/CEO" LMAO... Reminds me of that Homo Mike Dunn, President/CEO. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You want more money because you feel you need to be babysitters. That's not your job. These people continually ask for more money to allow irresponsible parents to become even more neglectful.

    May 8, 2018 at 6:15 PM

    I agree these kids are already receiving 3 free meals a day provided by the county taxpayers. I'm sick of paying taxes for some irresponsible whore's kids.

  24. It's time to boycott every member of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce who owns a business. Boycott them and see how long they stay in business.

  25. Many of these businesses affiliated with the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce are in Tax Districts and Enterprise Zones. This means they are already paying little to no taxes in this county but yet they want the taxpayers to pony up more money for the lawless Board of Education?? They've lost their minds.

    Refundable State Income Tax Credit
    Existing manufacturers in Wicomico County are eligible for a refundable State income tax credit of 5.75% of wage per new position .

    Enterprise Zone
    Businesses located within an enterprise zone may be eligible for real property and state income tax credits. Upon application and approval, the zone offers a ten year credit against local real property taxes on a portion of real property improvements. Credit is 80% the first five years, and decreases 10% annually to 30 percent in the tenth and final year.

    Manufacturing Equipment and Machinery
    Wicomico County offers a 100% personal property tax exemption on manufacturing equipment and machinery.

    Sales Tax Exemptions
    Wicomico County does not impose a sales tax. Maryland exempts sales tax from the following items:
    -Sales of capital manufacturing machinery and equipment, including equipment used for testing finished products, assembling, processing or refining, in the generation of electricity, or used to produce or repair production equipment.
    -Sales of tangible personal property consumed directly in manufacturing, testing of finished products, assembling, processing or refining, or in the generation of electricity, if consumed within one year after it is first used in a manufacturing process.
    -Sales of equipment or materials used or consumed in research and development.
    -Sales of fuels used in manufacturing, except those used to cool, heat, light the manufacturing facility. All fuels through a particular meter are exempt if more than half are used directly in manufacturing.
    -Sales of computer programs reproduced for sale or incorporated in whole or in part into another computer program intended for sale.
    -Sales of customized computer software.

    Arts and Entertainment District
    The tax incentives available upon the designated Arts and Entertainment District include: an income tax subtraction modification for qualifying residing artists; a property tax credit; and an exemption from the Admissions and Amusement Tax.

    Who do you think makes up the difference for this lost revenue?? We do, the home owners and these businesses that are members of the SACC are laughing all the way to the bank!

  26. Anonymous said...
    Ron Boltz President/CEO of Alarm Engineering has drunk the Kool-Aid and is harassing the County officials demanding they fund universal pre-k for Dr. Hanlin.

    "President/CEO" LMAO... Reminds me of that Homo Mike Dunn, President/CEO. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    May 8, 2018 at 8:15 PM

    Guess what Ronnie Boi? I'm going to cancel my contract with you effective June 1, 2018. LIBTARD!

  27. Concerned RetireeMay 8, 2018 at 8:43 PM

    They are still whining. They got the 2 year "free Community College" because they whined so much now they want more money. They should have thought about K-12 before they got the extra 2 years of Community College. Since they don't have the money then rescind the "Free College" money. This is BS and they know it. Where is the forensic audit of BOE? Where is the accountability from BOE? Is the money being spent on "I Wants" or necessities for the children?

  28. Very very eye-opening the fantasy/perfect world some live in...WOW Bill, simply WOW!

    Sometimes one needs to step aside and let someone else take the reins!

  29. "At the recent Wicomico County Council public hearing on the FY 2019 county budget, the council’s meeting room was standing room only"

    Hey Bill, they wouldn't have been their if you and Mike Dumb didn't recruit and beg them to come. How does it feel to be a bully?

  30. Anonymous said...
    Just another bunch of blowhards from Salisbury that think they should dictate to everyone in the County.

    May 8, 2018 at 4:14 PM

    Exactly! They are a bunch of liberal misfits that have gotten to where they are by someone giving something to them. Whether it was daddy or the tax payers. Tell them to F off!

  31. Anonymous said...
    Ron Boltz President/CEO of Alarm Engineering has drunk the Kool-Aid and is harassing the County officials demanding they fund universal pre-k for Dr. Hanlin.

    "President/CEO" LMAO... Reminds me of that Homo Mike Dunn, President/CEO. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    May 8, 2018 at 8:15 PM

    Ron Boltz lives in Nithsdale so he can afford paying extra in taxes.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury Chamber of Commerce likes to spend your money. Education has proven itself to be a bottomless pit because the education system regulates itself.
    The voucher system will make the education system accountable to the students and their parents.

    May 8, 2018 at 4:23 PM

    Good point. School vouchers for all.

  33. Every one of you on here are running mouths anonymously. Where were you the night of the hearing when those council members were being abused by the mouthy twerps like Bill Chambers and Mike Dunn? Why weren't you at the county council meeting defend your tax dollars?

  34. Lots of criticism , name calling, complaints, but does anyone have any constructive suggestions how to improve some the statistics( 60+%
    free lunch, children do not want to learn etc). How do we attract
    business and jobs. I am sure the council, taxpayers , various organization would appreciate your help.

  35. Maybe the Board of Education wouldn't need all that money that is demanded if they did move to that office building behind Lowes and stiff the hard working taxpayers with a $325,000 per year for 20 years and not even own the property.

    You talk about irresponsibility. Not my Superintendent!


  36. Pre-K is fine, but the notion that it will magically cause underachievers to blossom is a pipe dream.

    The core issue is that out of control kids are 1) not learning their subjects, 2) disrupting normal, disabled and talented students, 3) absorbing a disproportionate amount of administrator work days.

    It's fixable, but requires our boards to lean hard on legislators and MSDE to make the changes in Annapolis and DC that will permit local schools to hold rogue students accountable.

    Adults over 40 know this behavior wasn't tolerated, and that there were meaningful consequences when they got out of line.

    Many kids without basic skills (making change, reading an analog clock, using a tape measure, calculating sales tax or a discount) will cross the stage in a few weeks and carry away HS diplomas that have less and less integrity to them.

    Shame on the adults for permitting this; we're misleading the students by accepting and rewarding sub-par efforts and undermining our society going forward.

  37. Gosh, with that much fluff and puff, this is the sweetest pile of dung I've sniffed all week!

    Keep digging, Dingbats! Your hole is is deepening more and more with your wonderful efforts!

  38. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't the jurisdictions that spend the most money on students have the worst schools?

  39. Our schools don’t need “mo money”!

    Our schools NEED:
    ...to give teachers back control of their classrooms (discipline, grading standards, and HOW they teach the standard curriculum)
    ...to have administration AND the BOE support their decisions if they are founded in fact
    ...create ONE standards test that can be given ONCE a school year, by grade, to determine student progression instead of spending hundreds of instructional hours in test prep mode for multiple tests per year
    ...to better plan for an increasing student population when designing or renovating schools
    ...enforce discipline codes already in place without regard to what color or gender or religion you are, what your GPA is, or how many sports you excel at!
    ...start actually verifying special permission requests so that school populations are about equal

    Just FIXING those problems would be a HUGE step in the right direction and keep our great teachers HERE!

  40. I say let's keep ALL of our money, eliminate ALL EDUCATIONAL FUNDING and let the burden of education be placed IN THE HOME and let it be the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S), not the public or the taxpayers. I'm sick of this BS "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" mentality.

  41. I’d like to know WTF that goofball Bill Chambers thinks he is!!

  42. Problem is too many students out there just using the schools for a place to meet up and act out there gansta ways. If they do not get educated, it's their fault. Plus stop putting up with those fools. The education is there. Stop abusing it.

  43. Mr. Chambers:

    Under the county charter, the budget is proposed by the County Executive, Bob Culver, so I guess you think the Council should change it.

  44. Bill Chambers. Mike Dunn. Ron Boltz. Do what they say, become who they are.
    I'll pass. Absolutely unimpressed. All need an education in business and investment basics.


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