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Thursday, May 31, 2018

New York Times Admits It Lied About Crowd Size at Nashville Trump Rally

The New York Times has admitted that it lied about the size of the crowd at the Trump rally held in Nashville on Tuesday night, and changed their crowd estimate after the president called them out on Twitter.

In their original story on the Trump rally, the Times claimed the crowd size was only 1,000–- a number that everyone in attendance Tuesday night knew was a misrepresentation of the much larger crowd at the Municipal Auditorium to listen to President Trump speak about his support for Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) and her 2018 campaign for the U.S. Senate seat held by retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN).

Breitbart News was at the rally and estimated the crowd size to be more than 8,000.

Wednesday morning, President Trump called the Times out for their inaccurate crowd size reporting.



  1. The New York Times cannot keep up with the number of lies Trump has told.
    But at least they admit it

  2. Why are we still worried about rally sizes?

  3. Not surprised they lied, surprised they owned up to it though.

  4. The correction never gets as much attention as the original misinformation. I’m convinced it was no mistake by the Times. Who’s getting fired?

  5. Liberal fake news.

  6. 1200
    How about Communist?

    Call it what it is.
    What is liberal anyway?
    Why are you falling victim to their thought control with your choice of language?
    Wake up

  7. No you wake up 628. Calendar reflects 2018 - ALMOST 2 years since Trump won the election.


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