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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Baltimore Has Been Named the Most Dangerous City in the U.S. for 2018

Every year, American's debate over which cities have the worse hoods. Is it Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta or Newark? in 2017, it was none of those cities. According to a report by USA Today, Baltimore is the most dangerous city in America.

The report shows that murder rates in America have dropped by about 2% in the nation's 50 largest cities. In 2017, there were 5,738 homicides in America's biggest cities, while in 2016 there were 5,863 homicides. The decrease is mostly attributed to cities like New York, Chicago, and Houston which dropped double-digit percentages, 13.4%, 14.7%, 11%, respectively.



  1. Congratulations to the Democrats for achieving 1st place with their outstanding liberal leadership of the City of Baltimore. Hats off to Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Marilyn Mosby.

  2. Now e have the facts , now we know who the people are , now we know that not a damn thing will be done . Such a proud city of African American animals of the hood. How long are we going to accept this crap , I say get rid of the cancer now !

  3. Way to go! I was pulling for you Baltimore. How's that "firearm safety act of 2013" working out for you owemalley?

  4. Charm City rules!

  5. And most of the Dems running for governor proudly state they are from Baltimore. Yea, go ahead, put that on your resume. O'Malley was from Baltimore and we know what a disaster he was for Marylanders.

  6. Darn...Salisbury tried sooo hard too and lost another mission.

  7. Only 5 months in, too! What a great effort! Way to go!

  8. Salisbury is trying to be like big brother

  9. Hogan see what all the tax dollars you have and continue to give Baltimore has accomplished. Don't send any more money to Salisbury, since they are in just as much turmoil with no accountability.


  10. Let's start a pool. How long until O's and Ravens decide they need new stadiums outside of Harm City?

  11. In my professional career. You can make thousands in Baltimore. But dealing with the asinine people who live and work there isn't worth it. Look at every attraction in Baltimore. DIRTY. Unkept. Unsafe. Go to the inner harbor. It looks like Vietnam with the garbage floating in it. EMBARRASSING.

  12. I thought they said it was whites that were killing them off. We proved them wrong again.


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