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Monday, May 14, 2018

Mueller Investigating Trump Inauguration

Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating foreign donations to President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee, according to a new report.

Mueller’s investigators have questioned several witnesses about millions of dollars in contributions from donors with links to Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Russia, according to ABC News.

One of the people interviewed is Thomas Barrack, a longtime Trump friend who handled financing for the president’s inaugural committee.



  1. The worst part is all of this digging - all of this negativity - is most assuredly going to result in absolutely no one in their right mind will ever want to run for office. Especially the highly qualified, successful individuals that we need.

  2. This horse is SO dead, but they keep beating it.

  3. But not the Clinton foundation

  4. They want to find real dirt - go investigate the Clinton's and the Obama's. Leave Trump alone already and......fire Mueller.

  5. I guess the porn star thing didn't work out?


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