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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

DOJ, FBI slow-walking release of documents hoping for a blue wave in midterms: Darrell Issa

Rep. Darrell Issa charged the Justice Department and FBI with purposefully slow-walking their responses to document requests from Congress in the hopes that Republicans will lose their majorities after the 2018 midterms.

With the Democrats in power, the California Republican claimed the intelligence community will get their way.

"The realty is they are being slow-walked until after the election with the hopes the Democrats will take over the House or the Senate and then the investigations will be covered up," Issa said on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."



  1. Trump needs to do his job and fire them. They work for him now.

  2. 3:42 you are obtuse!!!!! Just becasue they technically work for trump, he cannot just fire them!!! It has to be done the right and proper way or else law suite will ensue and wast more time and money...

    You clearly don't know how the govt works and the safe guards most people have with their job in the govt... Why do you think it is so damn hard to get rid of them?????

    It is like the court system with women, in cases involving children and fathers... A mother can out right be a crack head but if you can't prove it or prove she is a bad mother, the courts will ALWAYS side with the women!!! This is my experience from what I have seen, there might be some instances, not many, where a court rules for the father's side... But rare... Like child support, a mother can come back year after year and ask for an increase in money for support, yet the father can NEVER get the payments reduced, even if he loses his job!!!! I get that you have to take care of a child, I get the courts and others in the public opinion want this man to suffer for, as you call it, being a dead beat father... who's to say he is??? Just becasue the mother said it??? I know of women who are court ordered to let the father get visitation rights, yet refuse to do so, and guess what, the courts don't do anything about the violation...

    Once you understand how the govt works, you will understand why it is so hard to get rid of bad workers who work in the govt... If you all stood your ground, you can recall a lot of these politician and get them gone, but you don't, you just complain about it...

  3. Wow, who hasn't figured that out already. I guess Darrell is so smart.


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