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Sunday, May 06, 2018

More Abuse To The SBY Orange Bikes

When it’s not yours and there are no consequences for taking poor care of something this is what you get.


  1. It's free money just raise taxes to cover it

  2. That's not abuse. They are dockless, meaning they can be left any place.

    LimeBike, Mobike, Ofo and Spin have dockless bike share operations in Washington DC area.


    1. Dockless means you throw them on the ground? They have kick stands. That’s not how I take care of my bike.

    2. SBJ ...Salisbury Jake? Who else would defend such nonsense?

  3. Did you see that some of the ones downtown, have their back lights broken? I get it will happen from time to time, but damn already???

    And these locking things can easily be cut off and the bike stolen...

  4. There's been one sitting by the store on N. Salisbury Blvd. by the RR Tracks for two weeks now.

  5. Joe, who is being paid to repair them?

  6. 8:21
    I'm sure they have kick stands on them and I'm also pretty sure the schools have a bike rack. To just throw them on the ground is abuse. They don't care because it is not theirs. Just another freebie for the leeches.

  7. @ 9:25 AM

    Spin repairs them at either their facility or at a contracted facility. They may be transporting them to Washington DC for servicing where they have a much larger operation.


  8. I saw one by the dumpster in the Walmart parking lot. My question is... who keeps track of them and retrieves them from random places where they get dumped to relocate them to more useful places??? Otherwise, they become one-use only disposable bikes!

  9. May 4, 2018 at 8:21 AM - Ever hear of a kickstand???

  10. Don't rent to whoever did this, anymore.

  11. They have GPS locking devices on them... but can be cut off and bikes can be stolen...

  12. Bayman,
    Great advice for the owners of the bikes.
    I assume that is to whom you addressed your comment?

  13. Their indestructible see them all over town.

  14. @ 5:31 PM

    I'm not defending, I'm simply explaining how the business model is set up.

    I see no logic in having a bike share program in a community with demographics like Salisbury.

    Bike share programs are all the rage in government dependent, granola crunching, liberal enclaves.


  15. Don't you have to pay for this rental somehow? Can it be tracked who rentedvtatr bike?

  16. go read the latest city council packet. they are closing streets permanently on rt.13 so they can finish the bike path from SU to EVO along the railroad tracks


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