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Sunday, May 06, 2018

I Guess It's Better Than Snow?


  1. No, it is not better than snow when a person has allergies. I really hate it when it pollens outside.

  2. The trees are producing extreme levels of pollen in hopes of surviving the “new normal”. They are reacting to the changes in our environment

  3. LOL a good one! Spring as sprung and it left its calling card!

  4. Wonder if "they" will spin it to be our POTUS fault or Russia?

  5. Do you have any scientific evidence of that 7:08? I suspect that your statement is no more than your opinion which makes it worthless information.

  6. Trees don't hope, they just react.

  7. Yea, the trees never pollened before climate change!

  8. No, not better. Snow melts.

  9. Tree sex getting all over you.

  10. So, how are those solar panels on the roofs of all those houses working now? I bet those people never thought of the fact that they would need washing every year due to the pollen residue. It doesn't just "wash off" when it rains.

  11. 809
    All statements are opinions silly rabbit.

    Why write, In my opinion . . . ?

    Waste of effort.

    Don't you realize everyone who writes something is expressing an opinion?
    That is the whole point.

    Some people have knowledge that others do not have.
    Don't believe what someone writes without researching for yourself.

    Thank you

  12. Those of us who are old know for a fact that the trees never produced this much pollen 30 years ago.
    Something is causing them to produce more pollen.
    I don't know what it is and won't hazard a guess, but it is a fact.

    The weather has certainly changed in my lifetime too.
    I don't know why, but I do know it has changed.

    I grew up in this area and there used to be 4 seasons.

    1. I’m no scientist, but certainly the sun has some bearing. Also they seem to be making grids of clouds almost on a weekly basis

  13. 10:38
    You are using common sense.
    Rare nowadays

    Young people now actually believe the sky is supposed to be white.

    We know it is blue!

    Something is making it white but we can’t speak about it to this crowd.

  14. 10:38

    You are a fool. Did you measure the pollen from 30 years ago and compare or are you basing you childhood memory on your claim?

  15. 3:45pm, Cut out the attitude, numb nuts. He is right. I do not remember it being this bad either. So, take that.

  16. What I am really concerned about, no bees in my yard this year yet, very unusual. Don't believe in man made global warming, but I do believe the sh!t Farmers are spraying in fields for pest and weed management has something to do with a lack of bees. My 7yr old daughter said trees are pollinating much more because there are no bees.... Could it be


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