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Sunday, May 06, 2018

Kanye West: Obama Was ‘Opioids’ to the Black Community

Rap Superstar Kanye West described former President Barack Obama as the “opioids” of the black community, during an interview with TMZ’s Harvey Levin on Tuesday.

“Obama was our opioids. It made us feel like everything was good,” he said during the interview.

Kanye West said Obama was held in such a high regard that it alienated himself from the lower class.

“The class war is one of the reasons why Trump won, because Obama was so high class that it stopped speaking to the middle and the lower class,” he said. “He’s so classy, and to break the class system, we have to start by loving ourselves.”



  1. Kanye is saying all this stupid stuff for one reason: he has an album release coming up. Even bad publicity is good publicity.

  2. we have to question his mental health. he stated clearly in a recent interview he is currently on medication.

  3. I didn't used to like Kanye but lately he seems to be using his head for something other than a hat rack.

  4. There's truth to the opioid thought. Obama had the masses where he wanted them, then fed them just enough to keep the addiction going.

  5. Some years back he might have been referred to as an opiate (of the masses), but we get the message.

  6. He has a point, he made them feel good but, was and is worthless and only led to their destruction.

  7. Kanye is telling secrets which were revealed to him in confidence.
    He should shut up.

    To be 1 ask 1

    1. Keep on talking. Appreciate it.

  8. Very good point from a very bad person.

  9. Realistically....who gives a sh!t what Kanye thinks?

    1. True but his brothers have been misled by Obama and Obama got their votes. Maybe now things will be different.

    2. K keep up telling the truth about AA.

  10. Kanye is speaking truth. The liberal media is afraid of him waking tons of Blacks to the fact that liberal policies and ideas are a scam. They are portraying him as crazy just like they did with Trump and Dave Chappelle. What he is doing will become incedibly important.

  11. Democrats have the right symbol for their party! They are the asses of the country!

  12. I absolutely agree with K. West. Blacks in America really dislike each other based on dark skin vs light skin, Creole vs Color or Poor vs Rich. We've created our own prejudices based on the haves or have not, This is pitiful but true.

  13. Everything changes over time.
    Even the Democratic chokehold on the black vote will change and West is one of the first powerful and influential black people to start to see (and point out) that decades - DECADES!! -- of voting for democrats has left them poor, stupid, jailed, unemployed, dependent on welfare, and unable to advance themselves. Decades of promises and rhetoric that have left them with nothing, but made their leaders RICH.
    Their "leaders" TALK a great game. Deliver nothing.
    Plus, he is saying what millions of black people have been whispering among themselves for a while ---- what the hell are we getting from all these promises?
    Keep cheering.


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