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Monday, May 28, 2018

Kaine Supports Legislation to Strengthen Power of Organized Labor

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine (Va.) signaled his support Friday for legislation to strengthen the power of unions to recruit members and negotiate with employers.

Kaine, who is running for re-election this year, joined a majority of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate by co-sponsoring the Workplace Action for a Growing Economy (WAGE) Act, according to NBC news.

The legislation introduced by Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Patty Murray (Wash.) seeks to make it easier for employees to join or form unions, strengthen protections for workers who engage in collective bargaining, and increase penalties on employers who are in violation of the National Labor Relations Act.

In a statement announcing his backing of the measure, Kaine asserted his commitment to ensuring workers have the ability to unionize and "stand up" for greater "protections at work."



  1. Unions long ago outlived their usefulness. Now they are just agents of the Democratic party used to collect monthly dues that go to the Democratic party.

  2. Of course he does,hes like most politicians that tax businesses out of existence because they know nothing about running one.

  3. Kaine is like the core of the disease. he needs to be eradicated before his disease spreads throughout the State.

  4. Public employee unions should be outlawed

  5. 627 - simple question, why?

  6. 7:14

    Because those that negotiate with the union don't have a vested interest in the outcome of the agreement.

    The politicians make the agreement and the taxpayers get the bill.


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