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Monday, May 28, 2018

GOP Voters: Immigration Most Important Issue Facing the Nation

Immigration remains the most important issue to Republican voters, conservatives, and supporters of President Trump, a new poll reveals.

The latest Harvard/Harris Poll finds that a plurality of 41 percent of Republican voters say immigration is the most pressing issue facing the nation. Meanwhile, 42 percent of conservatives said the same, while 44 percent of Trump voters said immigration was the single biggest issue..

Rather than focusing on Trump’s popular pro-American immigration reforms that would reduce legal immigration to raise Americans’ wages, the Republican establishment and the donor class has attempted to push the president to focus on uninfluential issues like tax cuts and prison reform.

Trump, bucking the GOP establishment, has reaffirmed his commitments to cut legal immigration to reduce the burden that American citizens have been hit with for decades due to mass immigration, Breitbart News reported.



  1. in Md the important issues are...1. Sanctuary city/state/county to make sure this issue does not come up again. 2. Gerrymandering. the redistricting issue. 3. flipping seats to secure that the votes are secured to get what needs to happen when bills come up. either enough to stop a bad bill or to make sure we have enough to get passed what needs to be passed. 4. No more taxes nor fees nor hiking up either.5. Jobs. we still need good paying jobs especially here on the shore. 6. our Constitutional rights are under attack. Consider all these things when you go to vote. and what else am i missing?

  2. 7. Voter fraud, which you pretty much covered with gerrymandering and sanctuary laws, but there's still computer fraud and busing voters on election day.

  3. I'm sorry, JOBS should be #1. We are literally dying here on the shore. #2. Taxes. Not only the constant take from the state - but what will it look like (bracket wise) when we ALL file next year? If I cannot itemize anymore, that will be 1st time since I was in my 20's back in the 70's.

    Don't give a rats @ss at this point about immigrants. They fill the jobs we will NOT take.

  4. Wrong.
    Fiat currency and the endless creation of debt by Central Bankers is the most important topic for the entire world.
    It dovetails with the endless wars waged by these same bankers.


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