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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

YouTube Shooter ID’d as Iranian Azeri Vegan Activist

The shooter who took her own life after wounding four YouTube employees at the video hosting website’s San Bruno, California, offices on Tuesday has been identified as Nasim Aghdam in multiple reports, after being described as a “white woman in a headscarf” earlier in the day.

Aghdam, said to reside in Southern California, had a long history of animal rights activism, and was quoted by the Los Angeles Times at a protest of the U.S. Marine Corps’ use of pigs to demonstrate battlefield wounds in 2009.

Aghdam also appears to have maintained at least two Instagram accounts, frequently captioning her posts in her — presumably native — Persian language. She makes frequent reference to Iran and the Azeri ethnic group that resides primarily in Iran and neighboring Azerbaijan.



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 5, 2018 at 8:53 AM

    Impossible. Democrats told us those Gun Free Zone signs would stop any shooter.Another Jihad Warrior from Muslim Religion of Peace? Can we Ban them too?

  2. Liberal vegan muslim with a gun in a California gun free zone where is CNN ? CRICKETS.

  3. Surprise, Surprise. The shooter is another Muslim, but the media quit talking about this shooting.

  4. All Demoncrat's Fault ....incl Hillary / Obama !!!!

  5. You see children crazy people with guns kill people the guns don't do the killing
    isn't that right King Friday


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