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Thursday, April 05, 2018

Sixty-Nine Percent of U.S. TB Cases in 2017 Were Diagnosed in Foreign-Born Residents

Sixty-nine percent of all tuberculosis (TB) cases reported in the United States in 2017 were diagnosed in foreign-born residents,according to a report released earlier this month by the Centers for Disease Control.

This was the highest percentage ever, marking a steady three decade rise from 1986, when only 22 percent of all TB cases reported in the United States were diagnosed in foreign born residents. Last year, in 2016, 68 percent of TB cases were foreign-born.

For the country as a whole, the absolute number of TB cases and the rate per 100,000 declined for the second consecutive year.

9,093 cases were reported in 2017, down from 9,272 in 2016.



  1. No surprise there since the TB vaccine has been administered in the US for decades. Talk about a nonstory.

    1. You are so lost. Typical Russian

  2. A best reason for border security. Keep those illegal border crossers out!

  3. Dave T: From immigrants? Can't be. According to every liberal kook I see and hear, this just can't possibly be true. Gotta be somehow attached to a conservative or a Republican. Only bad things come from them. Now get back in your safe space and re think this.

  4. How many of the 31% that weren't foreign born were exposed to the 69% before they became part of the 31%?


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