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Sunday, April 01, 2018

Worcester County Sheriff Candidate Matt Crisafullis Supports Bare Breast Exposure In Ocean City

It's bad enough exposing your breasts in public before a law gets passed or denied but it's another when the women ripping your shirt in public ISN'T your own Wife. 

Folks, elect Mike McDermott, a man of proven integrity and a man who would never disrespect his Wife and Family in such a way, (above).


  1. DAMN!! Looks like he had a little coke to go with that st paddy's day celebration

  2. He wants to be the Worcester County sheriff? Fat chance.

  3. I’m thinking of that right said Fred song I’m too sexy for my shirt Not what I want for a leader

  4. and this is who "two" former sheriff's endorse? I don't think they know him very well.

  5. And this is who the current Sheriff supports? No surprise. Also...being touted as a role model for our kids???

  6. Hope they had a memorable evening!

  7. Bet he wishes he had stayed home to celebrate with family and tea.

  8. Welcome to politics officer.

  9. Omg....just the tip of the iceberg. Why don't all the schools in Worcester County have full time deputies? Where did the money go that was given to the Sheriff to pay their salaries??? How can someone who can't staff his own unit attract quality deputies as Sheriff???

    1. Well, when Ocean City pays part time cops 2$ more an hr to do background checks- who would ever go work for schools? With the fights and everything else? Duh

    2. Which schools don’t have full time deputies? I work at a school with a full time deputy (sometimes two).

  10. And now for the rest of the story. This is Matt's wife's best friend. And his wife is the person taking the picture. Guess nobody else has ever taken a candid photo before huh....

  11. Regardless of the photo, he is still not the best qualified candidate.

  12. It shows very poor judgement. A quality that is not desirable for the Worcester County Sheriff. This position is not analogous to a college frat presidency.

  13. Hmmmm....so his wife condones this behavoir in public? That's even more disturbing...This is who we want as our Sheriff???

  14. Wife took the pic? ....this is disturbing no matter who took it!


  15. Lacks gravitas is being extremely charitable.

    Looking back, he'll probably regard posing this way as a self-inflicted boob-boo.

  16. I’ve never seen his opponent (Mike McDermott) at any function drinking alcohol grouping and hanging on other women arguing with his wife falling down drunk throwing up in public. Because Mike is a respectful true leader. Now Mike’s opponent I have seen do all of the above

  17. He isn't even the second most qualified candidate in this race. At least Bernal was a detective in OC for years.

  18. I hope this clown's head is on the Chopping Block when Sheriff Mike is sworn in. There is no way I would want this idiot representing me, Worcester County or my office!

  19. Gross. Honestly, I could careless if women are topless in Ocean City. All across Europe women go topless on beaches. It's no big deal. It's only a big deal in America. But, what ends up happening is you will get gross 70 year old women topless instead of hot women.

  20. I bet all his other teacher friends are upset, but wait thats right I guess they friends with his wife too. If thats true why dont they come around when she is home

  21. I'd vote for him as the public pooper-scooper, but nothing else.

  22. Voting for Mike, not this buffoon, is a no-brainer.

  23. He has got A the Vfws votes.

  24. Bottom line this clown has no management experience. 20 years babysitting schools, and he wants to lead the highest law enforcement authoritiy in the County? Yeah right 😞

  25. Is his running a joke or serious?

  26. Reminds me of a certain disgraced female ex OC lieutenant, same stunt, drunk on at patties day, and now she's with the WCSO. Never was worth a dam, but marine Reggie thinks so. Just like he hired his worthless relative Hickman when no-one else would. Just wait until the rest comes out.

    1. Wow, so true on both accounts. Just goes to show the current WCSO will hire any redneck, prior retired burnt out cop, and and distant in law of the sheriff. It's called nepotism 101. Hickman went out on a disability to forever be fed by his uncle Mason and taxpayer's

    2. And from a remaining Deputy, good riddance. Hickman was known as "Reggie's worthless godchild". Vote McDermott, he's our only hope.

  27. Sad, just read thru all of these. Regardless as to whether its a friend of his wife, or its a weekend fling or if its some teacher that he is seeing on the side. All of this, cause his Integrity to come in question. If he isnt faithful to his wife how can he be true, and faithful to the citizens. obviously ethically, his integrity and his own faithfulness to his family would show that he is not the right choice. Those that support him say, "he is a nice guy, he is so friendly." He is all those things in your face, but is he capable of being Sheriff, making decisions that will result in how your family or business is protected.. the best choice is McDermott, listen to what the Deputies say, they are the ones most effected and they say McDermott.

  28. I agree with the posts about Hickman. He gets into a little fender bender and goes out on full disability for life. You see real cops getting shot multiple times and getting hit and flown through the air by another car and they go back to work and Hickman can't? Any other department would have made him go back to work and not sign off on his so-called injury. First it was a back injury and when that didn't work he claimed he has memory loss. He seems to find his beer at his "Double Tap In" quite well! He played the system and his Uncle Reggie went along with it. And yes, us taxpayers are paying for him to stay home and party on our dime! My opinion on the election??? Well Crisafulli's claim to fame is DARE? That is not something to brag about since it didn't work and that is why there aren't any other DARE officers around. He has no experience and its a shame that anyone can run for Sheriff without having any qualifications. The WCSO is so screwed up and the general public has no idea how bad it really is. Why do we see deputies doing radar in Ocean Pines and Ocean City and how many do you see parked next to each other BS'ing when they should be patrolling? No one is supervising these deputies...no accountability and its been going for so long now it is long overdue for a change in leadership.


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