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Sunday, April 01, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Baltimore Residents Moving Out - Exodus Occurring Big Time

Joe -

I could not believe it when I saw it - Baltimore's Population 1970 - 905,787

Baltimore's Population 2016 - 614-664 - (and that's before the recent fires)

Baltimore has lost more than 32% of its entire population - I'm not making this stuff up.

One can easily see and realize why their roads, police, schools, sewer, water infrastructure has gotton out of control - there is no longer any supportive populace base!

Now look at the US Census Bureau's latest graph:

Donald Trump was right when he looked at O'Malley straight in the face during the Presidential debates and said; 'You have no business even being on this stage.'


  1. It's going the way of Detroit. Sad end to what was once a really great city.

    Used to enjoy visiting Harbor place and the Maryland Science Museum. Went there last a few years ago for Federal Jury duty. Place was run down and didn't feel safe going out.

  2. Does this really surprise anyone ?

  3. Many moved to Da'Bury.

  4. I need to go to John's Hopkins two times a year for exams. Driving in this crime infested city gives me the creeps even in the middle of the day. Undesirables everywhere you look.

  5. You wonder why? Just read about the nut job in Annapolis that wants to build a state wide electric car charging network for $100M.

  6. John's Hopkins is the only hospital I've ever gone to where I had to have an armed guard walk me from exam room to exam room.

  7. Only difference in driving through Salisbury and Baltimore is Baltimore has bigger buildings. Same undesirables waiting around for their hand out checks.

  8. 10:48 - You've got that right! If you have to stop at ANY red light on Charles Street, Calvert, Charles Street, etc., you had better not stare - because the instant you do, the panhandlers will literally be climbing on top of your hood thus preventing you from proceeding. And should you strike one - in trying to get-a-way - you'll end up being sued. I am not joking either. The place is not safe for ANYONE to traverse anymore. It's gotten that bad.

  9. I cannot hardly believe this graph! What in the heck happened? This information should be all over the MSM, as it seems almost impossible for any major American city to lose 1/3 of its entire population and there has not even been a declaration of any war.

    I am just blown-a-way.

    1. Republicans in a Democrat body.

  10. How many of those who stay are on welfare versus having full time employment?

  11. What do you expect when Baltimore high school 'graduates' read at a 4th grade level. Math? Forget that...

  12. Wow - very interesting information. No wonder Baltimorans are always complaining.

  13. It is sad to say....but Johns Hopkins Hospital was once the only hospital I would go to in a serious situation. No more!! The staff behind the desks can make your trip miserable and they let you know it if you do not sweet talk them. The last time I was up in the summer this class of individual could be seen picketing for increases in salaries. I asked the doctor if this was justified and is just now catching up and he just asked me if I thought someone with a clerks jobs should be making a doctors salary. All I could say was "You are kidding." Greed is ruining Hopkins in the same way it has ruined the rest of Baltimore. Give us what we want or we will make sure you pay We will lose your file.... reschedule you and tell the doctor you were late arriving. SAD

  14. On there way to the Bury for that "Waterfront art" living.

    1. They can have that "waterfront art" living!! Hope they enjoy the enjoyable fragrance of sewage and perdue processing plant

  15. It is amazing to see that the graph shows not even one uptick during the whole 40 plus year period. Not even one. One would think that there would be at least one uptick.

  16. Has anyone noticed that there isn't even one 'dead-cat-bounce' in the entire graph. I would say that Baltimore has, indeed, become a tumble weed city.

  17. Once Bethlehem steel closed, and McCormick, Baltimore has never been the same.
    What a lot of people don't realize is Bethlehem steel was the size of a city.
    Once they folded, it was over for Baltimore. The Rouse group couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Even Phillips Crab house had to close.

  18. I wonder what the graph would look like after Baltimore's Freddy Gray riots. I'll bet you Baltimore doesn't want it published.

  19. The corruption in Baltimore is rhamphant. Policemen are on the take, criminals, drugs, prostitution, riots, you name it and Baltimores got it. Even the Orioles stadium, I was on lockdown diring the Freddy Gray riots. It's a terrible place.

  20. In case yu haven't noticed, Salisbury's not much better. The homeless are everywhere.

  21. Harlem fell. Now Baltimore has fallen.

  22. We know, they are all coming to the shore and raising our crime rates.

  23. 10:20 I think your right.

  24. The list of Democrat run cities needs to stay posted.


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