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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Woman Calls Cops on Man for Pro-Gun T-Shirt

‘This lady was having a literal panic attack,’ man says

A woman called the police on a man with his children at a Texas playground for wearing a pro-Second Amendment T-shirt.

The shirt, produced by West Virginia-based company Warrior 12, shows an AR-15 rifle with the words, “I’ll control my guns, you control your kids.”

According to the Blue Lives Matter blog, which first reported on the incident Saturday, Troy Johnston was visiting a playground in Benbrook with his two daughters late last month when the incident began.



  1. People just cannot stand the truth. I'd wear that shirt too if I had one.

  2. Shows just how stupid some people are. Makes me want to buy one of these tee shirts. These snowflakes need to get over themselves. The 2nd amendment is in place to protect all the other amendments from being taken by the government and cannot be done away with. Learn your history.

  3. You just can't fix stupid.

  4. What the.... how is this a story about a shirt? The lady called the cops BECAUSE THE MAN HAD AN ACTUAL GUN AT A PLAYGROUND!

    Go to the source article.. not this "summary" on looney Alex Jones page... the Blue Lives Matter page... you'll see it.

    The woman was posted up outside the playground to warn other parents that there was a man with a gun in the playground.

    She described the man to the police by describing his shirt to them.

    What is DOUBLY dishonest is that you don't find out the man had a gun AT ALL on Jones page (or here for that matter), but you don't find out on the original post till about halfway through.

    Newsflash.. this isn't about a shirt.

    They REALLY assume that we are all idiots don't they. Do your homework and follow up folks, or you'll parrot bad info forever.

  5. Liberals civil War is coming Soon.

  6. Sales of this shirt are skyrocketing as we speak.

  7. Hey 12:44. Did you even read the article? Infowars article does mentioned he had a gun. You Libtards are so stupid and ignorant

  8. Wait till she sees my new coffee shirt ....called liberal tears flavor.


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