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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Steny Hoyer Promises to RAISE TAXES if Democrats Win Congress

CNBC: Are you looking at raising the tax rate again on the highest earners?

Democrat Steny Hoyer: I think certainly we’ll look to have revenues as opposed to simply creating more debt. This bill is going to create debt. Obama created and previous presidents created.

Democrats like to use the term “revenues” when they are talking about raising taxes today. It is one of their word games – like the “Affordable” care act.



  1. How about curtail the ridiculous spending. He needs to go but you know the vote is drowned out in favor of democrats.

  2. Well folks, get ready for more taxes!!!! Because republicans won't win again and as you see here, the dems already are promising to raise taxes... And yet you people can't see how you are slaves to them, and that your money is now their money and they will get it by any means...

  3. Steny-what if Marylanders finally wise up and don't re-elect you.

  4. Makes you proud to be from Md. don't it?

  5. Typical communist Maryland politician.

  6. He will get re-elected. MD is a blue state and the locals can't even elect a decent mayor.

  7. Consider yourself lucky. Had O'Malley won the election, the tax increases would have already been enacted.

  8. Probably the first thing he's ever been honest about.

  9. Trump tax cuts are temporary in case you failed to read beyond getting your avg. $800 savings. BTW, gas tax increase coming soon that will eat some of that temporary savings up. Gas tax increase will be permanent.


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