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Sunday, April 01, 2018

Running Unopposed, Delegate Carl Anderton May Have A Challenger After All

I can tell you first hand that there's serious discussions going on right now for a "Write In" Candidate to run against Delegate Carl Anderton. 

Recent votes Anderton made has pushed even some Republicans over the top and right now they do not want him running unopposed. 

My statement to them was, you just tell me ONE person qualified in the Republican Party that lives in that district and I'm all ears. However, I certainly do not know of one, do you?

I'm telling you people, the local Republican representation is an absolute joke. All the Eastern Shore can provide is bodies, not strong individuals with a firm set of goals in the best interest of the Shore's wants and needs. 


  1. You are absolutely right. I would love to see a list start right here.

  2. Will there be a democrat running against him? If so, vote democrat you have nothing to lose and who knows he/she/them might be more conservative.

  3. Sadly, you are correct. Most here cannot think for themselves. It's pretty obvious just reading comments on any thread you may choose. A lot won't even open their mouths unless they know 3-4 others will agree with them and help shout down anyone who disagrees with them. Scared to stand alone and face any criticism.

  4. But I thought the GOP was strong on the shore. You can't find one "qualified" person to oppose Anderton? LMAO.

  5. Easternshore people, like any good and decent people have watched from outside the box that government has been corrupt for a very long time. Good and decent people tend to keep a distance from bad things like corruption. But the tide will soon change and change fast. We need to prepare now as the cabal and heads of corruption fall...we need to have good people to replace and keep America great. We must encourage one another and lift each other up. Its time to be defensive.

  6. Talk about a joke. This guy grabbed one vote from me and that's the only one. Pull a name from a grave marker, just as "qualified" as the current delegate. Sometimes we get what we ask for. Always wanting a change and get worst. Just as well have ole Norm.

  7. Can you post the District boundary map?

  8. Considering the RINO's that we have here already in office - and the fact that nobody else is willing to run kinda puts us in the place where we get stuck with clowns like this!

  9. You've got that right, conservative leadership in and around Wicomico is non-existent. He has truly been a disappointment to many people.

  10. Thanks for the heads up.

  11. I can't think of one thing he has done since he was elected.

  12. His arms wrapped around a liberal democrat was all I needed to see in order to make up my mind.

  13. Anyone who supports gun control will never receive my vote.

  14. 8:39 No he is unopposed meaning no one primary and none in the general either.

    He has some fat stacks of cash that is what is keeping most folks away. He is saving for a run against Culver next go around.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Will there be a democrat running against him? If so, vote democrat you have nothing to lose and who knows he/she/them might be more conservative.

    March 27, 2018 at 8:39 AM

    What difference does it make? Afterall if you were paying attention you would have known the answer to that already. We don't need uninformed idiots like you voting anyway.

  16. Chris Adams' fat cocky a$$ could be toast as well. We need someone that isn't a RINO to run a write-in campaign against them.

    I have $4,000 each for a good candidate to run a write-in Campaign against Carl Anderton and Chris Adams. Merry B!tch will take care of her own doom against Lying Jim.



  17. Anonymous said...
    But I thought the GOP was strong on the shore. You can't find one "qualified" person to oppose Anderton? LMAO.

    March 27, 2018 at 8:42 AM

    Said the Democrat^^^

    But I thought the Democrats was strong on the shore. You can't find one "qualified" person to oppose Anderton? LMAO.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Can you post the District boundary map?

    March 27, 2018 at 8:51 AM

    Are you that stupid? Why don't you look it up yourself! Lazy A$$ people like you are too dumb to vote.

  19. Riddle me this? What the Hell kind of qualifications did he have when he ran the first time?? He was and still does deliver truck maintenance parts for the Barr Group. Now the franchise has been sold
    and he's still a rolling stock boy. Is the qualification said that he has a drivers' license??
    Get real,.. folks were tired of Norm Conway and anybody Republican would do. If you guys voting in the mid term had an ounce of smarts you'd know there are better reps. than him but they won't run without encouragement and most don't want the hassle.

  20. 10:53...run for county executive? Sometimes I think I'm coming here just to get a laugh. At least Culver made attempts in the business world. What has this guy ever done? Was he a mayor in Delmar? Now a delegate. Appears to be slopping at the government trough as a way of life.
    I wish he would simply dress the part he has now. Look like you work in our state capital. Please skip the bar room attire.
    Make us proud!

  21. Anonymous said...
    You've got that right, conservative leadership in and around Wicomico is non-existent. He has truly been a disappointment to many people.

    March 27, 2018 at 8:56 AM

    Yeah, but I saw right through his ghetto self and we didn't vote for him or Norman. I have 12 people in my family in his district that refused to vote for him. When he had idiots like Jackie Welfonder working for him I knew he was desperate.

  22. Anonymous said...
    His arms wrapped around a liberal democrat was all I needed to see in order to make up my mind.

    March 27, 2018 at 9:51 AM

    I saw that before he was even elected. He, Bunky, Jackie, Shawn Jester, Michelle Bradly all were in bed with Jim Ireton and Jake Day.

    Nope, not gonna do it.

  23. Anonymous said...
    I can't think of one thing he has done since he was elected.

    March 27, 2018 at 9:46 AM

    I will never vote for another Democrat again, but I can tell you we were much better off with Norm in office.

    1. Money pit pollitt lol good ole boy.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Anyone who supports gun control will never receive my vote.

    March 27, 2018 at 10:14 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anyone who supports gun control will never receive my vote.

    March 27, 2018 at 10:14 AM

    BAMM! You got that right!

  25. Anonymous said...
    8:39 No he is unopposed meaning no one primary and none in the general either.

    He has some fat stacks of cash that is what is keeping most folks away. He is saving for a run against Culver next go around.

    March 27, 2018 at 10:53 AM

    He wants to run against Culver, er, run for County Executive because he needs a full-time job. Never elect someone who is doing it for the money. NEVER.

  26. Has he been dipping his pen in company ink? Rumor has it.

  27. Anyone who does not support gun control will not get my vote

  28. been a strong supporter of his since day one. when i saw the picture of him with Boy Scout Jake Day that did it for me. Sorry Carl but you just shot yourself in the foot.

  29. 12:11 Democrats run the state. The eastern shore doesn't matter. You have no say in Annapolis.

  30. This gal testified against the gun bills, she's pro 2A and conservative. Shes having a meeting tonight.

    "Mimi Gedamu is running in the Republican Primary for Maryland House of Delegates in District 37B."


    Tuesday, March 27 at 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

    Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce / Salisbury, MD
    144 E Main St, Salisbury, Maryland 21801

  31. i have the perfect solution

    Sheriff Mike Lewis for everything. A proven winner and for the people.

    1. Signed Mike's brown nose crew.


  32. His redeeming feature first go round was that he wasn't Norm, who was serving the Democrat bosses more than his district. It was time for a change.

    Fate brought us Carl, and he was elected.

    He's been a lackluster delegate even before he started blowing kisses at Jake Day at a brewery. And then the vote for the gun grab.

    Jake and the gun grab are each sufficient not to vote for him again. Combined? Is it permissible to type N_W?

    Don't worry; Jake will create a job for him after he isn't reelected.

  33. This guy was the parts guy at BARR Truck company and now a US delegate? He wasn't even in charge of parts, but won an election? I don't know whether to be impressed or shocked?

  34. So Who is the Candidate ?

  35. Not being from here seems most eastern shore politicians worship government and do nothing for the citizens.

  36. Aderton has turned left , he's a piece of crap that supports Boy Day.

  37. So we see the peril of redistricting: Comway and McDermott shared the district before. One a party boss who delivered, and one a strong conservative that took no prisoners and kept us informed. When I compare those two men with what we have now, I get very dfiscouraged.

  38. What a Douche Bag, Liberal RINO. He makes me sick every time I am in his presence and I just have to walk away. Just like Obama, it's the people that voted for him that concerns me.

  39. Him and Lime light have never met a camera they did not like.

  40. The guy is simply not a Republican, plain and simple. Oh - he may have filed as a republican candidate - but the fact is he is a RINO. He's voted against fracking, he's voted to restrict your gun rights, he sides with democrats, and simply won't stand his ground on the core conservative values. These are the problems that I have with his voting record.


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