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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Report Reveals Ohio Courts Aren't Uploading Criminal Histories To NICS

The Cincinnati Enquirer has published a shocking article detailing how convicted felons and domestic abusers in the state of Ohio can still purchase firearms despite their criminal histories. The details in the report are so outrageous that Ohio Governor John Kasich tweeted that he would be taking immediate action to “keep weapons out of the wrong hands in our state.”

How are these convicted felons still able to pass a background check and buy a firearm? Simply put, Ohio courts have failed to log the information into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

COLUMBUS – In Ohio, a convicted felon barred from owning a gun could still purchase one after passing a background check – all because dozens of courts have failed to upload some paperwork.

Sound familiar? A similar glitch allowed [redacted], a dishonorably discharged U.S. Air Force veteran, to purchase the gun he used to kill 26 and injure 20 more at a South Texas church last year. In that instance, the military failed to flag Kelley as a person banned from owning a gun.



  1. There are a whole lot of stupid court clerks that should lose their job. They are just too dumb to be any position of authority.

  2. Sounds like Salisbury MD.

  3. Sounds once again like guns are not the problem. We can destroy every gun in the world and mankind will still do unspeakable things to each other. We are inherently evil as a species. Just watch Europe for examples-buses, trucks, knives, bats ...


  4. Should about end Kasich's hopes for higher office. What a putz!


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