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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

DeSantis: IG Probe Of Comey ‘Probably Just The Beginning’

The Department of Justice’s probe of former FBI Director James Comey is “probably just the beginning” of more problems for Comey, Republican Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis said Friday.

At least two memos that Comey leaked to a friend outside the government contained classified information, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. The DOJ’s inspector general is now investigating Comey’s release of the memos, the Journal reported.

The memos contained Comey’s account of several interactions he had with President Donald Trump while serving as FBI director. Comey leaked the memos’ contents to the media through a friend in order to spur the appointment of a special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation, Comey testified on June 8.

“Referral of Comey due to transmitting classified info was justified and this IG action is probably just the beginning,” DeSantis wrote on Twitter following Friday’s news of the DOJ probe into Comey.


1 comment:

  1. Strip security clearance, indict, try, convict and incarcerate!


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