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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Prominent gay rights lawyer burns himself to death to protest global warming

David Buckel, 60, left behind a charred corpse and a typed suicide note that said he was burning himself to death using “fossil fuel” to reflect how mankind was likewise killing itself, police sources said.

He left the note in a manila envelope marked “To The Police,” recovered from inside a black metal pushcart he discarded at the scene.

“Most humans on the planet now breathe air made unhealthy by fossil fuels, and many die early deaths as a result,” Buckel wrote in his note, which he also sent to the New York Times.

“My early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves.”

More here



  1. I told you it was a mental illness.

  2. And who really cares, NO ONE!!

  3. I’m not seeing a downside.

  4. Lol he just made it hotter ?

  5. Gives you a little insight on how loony these warming alarmists are.

  6. Hmmm, could it be yet another unhappy soul that simply found some peace in claiming a purpose? Ignorance and just a thought, perhaps unfortunate no matter...

  7. A Dem, a Lawyer, and a Tranny supporter all in one fell swoop!

    It's like winning the Triple Crown for all of us!

    Bonus points if he supported PETA!

  8. I hope he inspires lots of his friends.

  9. Wow. Almost at a loss for words at how you good God fearing christians view the life of another person based on the fact that simply view how the environment impacted by people. Really scary and very telling as to why this area is in such shambles.

    1. What? He did this intentionally to himself. He's not a victim. We're not obligated to feel sorry for him.


  10. Going out in a blaze of glory. Perhaps he was burned out by his workload for fashionable, virtue signaling causes.


  11. Guess relying on solar or wind to spark his fiery finish proved unworkable; hope he used robust ethanol mix to stay green.

  12. 638 the Vice President of Bill Clinton when on tour telling lies and made 300 million dollars doing it! And YOU BELIEVE HIM. Lol

  13. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that he was already dying of some progressive disease when he decided to end his life with a statement.

  14. Anonymous said...
    I hope he inspires lots of his friends.

    April 16, 2018 at 6:29 PM

    Me Too! And hopefully Anon April 16, 2018 at 6:38 PM will be one of them.

  15. Real life copy cat of the movie Life of David Gale. Sad

  16. You shorebillies are a sad bunch of backwards idiots. You deserve to live in the cesspool of the slower lower.

    1. @9:02 does that mean you'll be exercising your right to set yourself on fire because of what was probably a terminal sexually transmitted disease and blame it on a fuel source?? Something just not quite right with same sex relations and the whole US has become the cesspool for trying to accept this culture. I have plenty of flammables and fire source if any of you local flamers want to join in

    2. Thanks! At least we don't set ourselves on fire. Or eat Tide Pods. 😂

    3. Sick analysis of Salisbury and the Eastern shore. You hopefully must not be from around here. Let me tell you something I have learned about Eastern Shore people. We may fight amongst ourselves but when it comes to outsiders name calling etc we stick together. Don't test the waters. It isn't polite.

  17. Mental illness! Keep trying to force that lifestyle down our throats. No pun intended.

  18. Mental illness? C'mon...they're only 41% prone to suicide, you have to wait till they hit 50% to bring that up.

  19. 8:34 You are all related so why not stick together. Mouth breathing Shoretards are all the same. Snorting to much chicken house dust.


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