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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Iranian-Backed ‘Sleeper Cell’ Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack

Iranian-backed militants are operating across the United States mostly unfettered, raising concerns in Congress and among regional experts that these "sleeper cell" agents are poised to launch a large-scale attack on the American homeland, according to testimony before lawmakers.

Iranian agents tied to the terror group Hezbollah have already been discovered in the United States plotting attacks, giving rise to fears that Tehran could order a strike inside America should tensions between the Trump administration and Islamic Republic reach a boiling point.

Intelligence officials and former White House officials confirmed to Congress on Tuesday that such an attack is not only plausible, but relatively easy for Iran to carry out at a time when the Trump administration is considering abandoning the landmark nuclear deal and reapplying sanctions on Tehran.

There is mounting evidence that Iran poses "a direct threat to the homeland," according to Rep. Peter King (R., N.Y.), a member of the House Homeland Security Committee and chair of its subcommittee on counter-terrorism and intelligence.

A chief concern is "Iranian support for Hezbollah, which is active in the Middle East, Latin America, and here in the U.S., where Hezbollah operatives have been arrested for activities conducted in our own country," King said, referring the recent arrest of two individuals plotting terror attacks in New York City and Michigan.

"Both individuals received significant weapons training from Hezbollah," King said. "It is clear Hezbollah has the will and capability."

More here


  1. They started coming here since the 70's-80's. I can't wait to hear all the liberal pussies like Day,O'Hare, Dunn etc. start back peddling when they start fulfilling their next attacks on our way of life. There's a serious group over on park ave. in Salisbury that shuffles them in/out of the area

  2. But the FBI is worried about Stormy.

  3. Yep. Since they cannot fight a conventional war against the U.S. they will resort to instigating terror within our country in hopes of creating pandemonium.

    I have to wonder how the Feds were able to figure this out without having the ability to "profile"? Just curious.

  4. That group on park ave in Salisbury definitely something not quite right there. Always see a lot of young rough looking Muslim males and the guy who owns the property definitely in some sort of arranged marriage with a homely US citizen. See a car with New York plates there about every two weeks

  5. And one of the sleeper cells is the mosque on on West Road.

  6. Well that is certainly enough for a warrant. OMG, NY plates. Those people aren't allowed to travel freely to MD without papers. You should mind your own business.

  7. They are right here in Salisbury. The woman and her husband who protested with Molly and her snowflakes is one plant. You just wait. I've had an interaction with this couple who live next to North Salisbury School and they are not cool. Whatever happens here will be related to them.

  8. 8:16 How do you know where they are from? You people can't tell the difference between a person from PR, Mexico, Honduras or Brazil. There are plenty of local wackos that are far more likely to cause a mass casualty event.


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