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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Hillary Clinton's popularity has plunged since election, poll finds

Hillary Clinton, well over a year after she lost the 2016 election to President Trump, is less popular than ever, according to a poll released this week.

Only 27 percent of those polled had a very or somewhat positive view of the former secretary of state, according to The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. That makes her less popular than President Trump, whose popularity registered at 35 percent. It is a new low for her in the poll, which clocked her popularity at 30 percent in August 2017.

A Journal analysis of the poll notes that the poll is a reminder of “just how unusual” Clinton is in terms of her unpopularity -- even among recent losing presidential nominees who have typically experienced a post-election decline, but not to the extent Clinton has. At the time of the election, 40 percent had a positive view of her.



  1. She talked and wrote herself into a self-pitying hole. Nobody likes a perpetual whiner.

  2. 10:53 - Well the democrats do like whiners. That is pretty much all they do!! I guess the decrease are those democrats who still think for themselves - I am thankful there are still some of them around.

  3. She has been offered jobs as spokeswoman for; Depends, Prep-H, Fleet, Dulcolax, and Alzheimer's.

  4. What happened!?!?

  5. The plunge isn't over. There's plenty of room left before she hits bottom.

  6. She may be unpopular but she remains high on the list of daily topics for most right wing blogs and news shows. People just can’t seem to stop obsessing over her.

  7. If Hillary had a Fleet Enama and it cleaned her out of all the BS, she would disappear!


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