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Sunday, April 01, 2018

I Wonder What Liberals Will Come Up With Next?


  1. PATHETIC that this is what represents our society

  2. You telling me you never watch porn? Here's some other sins: gluttony, greed and lust

    1. Liberalism needs a cure. I hope you get help.

  3. Very good point. Shows how stupid liberal democrats are. 60 minutes used to be a good show. Will never watch it again

  4. sounds like the beginning of a joke.

  5. CNN gives the orders.

  6. My thoughts exactly. Major scoop for 60 Minutes. A whore had sex with someone over a decade ago and it's supposed to be relevant today. Bill Clinton was raping women and the left thinks nothing of it. Whatever...

  7. If their goal is to change my mind about supporting Trump show me evidence that he slept with Hillary !

  8. I know, the irony of it all!!!! Both of them are pathetic!!!

  9. 8:18 - since they added Oprah to the line-up......

  10. You're right 814. It's not a big deal. Could you tell CNN, please, so they stop obsessing on this nothing-burger?

  11. And the punchline is that $$ rules.

  12. So, a consensual relationship is newsworthy.... but Bill Clinton sexually assaulting everyone under the sun is not??

  13. Our good president is accused of having contact with the one on the left.
    But "they" aren't saying that the last failed guy in our White House may have offered the one on the right a line or two of coke so the failed one could have had contact with the loser on the right.
    Now I am not saying it happen. I'm merely guessing it did like "they" are doing with the good president. You know the video of the guy claiming the failed dude when acting as a senator, had contact with the man.
    I'm certain most of us males would choose the female on the left over the punk on the right.
    I am not saying this to "offend anyone" just my humble opinion.

  14. This is just half of the left's hypocrisies! On top of this, every morning Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough have the nerve to get on their soapboxes and lecture Trump on matrimonial fidelity. For those of you who don't know Mika and Joe co-host the MSNBC show Morning Joe. Within the past year, Mika ditched her husband and married co-worker Joe, with whom she was obviously having an affair with! If you go back a little farther, Joe's first marriage broke up when a dead intern, Lori Klausutis, was found in his office.

    How inconvenient.

  15. Well...Did she bring Anderson back from the "dark side" or not?

    THAT would be a better story!!!!1


  16. Congrats to SeeBS and CNN on finding someone to hold their mike that the sex worker couldn't accuse of making a play for her talents!

    Not a lawyer, but perhaps they (CBS and CNN) can be sued for tortious interference with the NDA she signed and accepted money for. And it's a pretty good bet she was compensated in some fashion for agreeing to sit so close to heiress Gloria Vanderbilt's son.

  17. Now now folks, we shouldn’t judge. Ha Ha! We must tolerate their behavior and accept it as normal least we be worse than them.
    At least that’s what liberals have been teaching for the last 30 years!
    The fact is, liberals and Democrats in general approve of everything seedy and illegal in life because they can’t measure up to decency!
    (so they created a political party and for all the scum of the earth and feel gooders complete with reverse mantras and sayings that actually mean or do the opposite, like the NAACP, NAMBLA, BLM, LGBTQ, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law Center for example) all designed to funnel money to like minded or scumbag minded “under disguise of liberalism” political candidates. All the while accusing their adversaries, usually law enforcement, people of integrity or business owners of being racist, misogynist, antihomo or worse for opposing their scumbag criminal lifestyle. Nutshell.

  18. We're talking redefining morality here just like the left has redefined marriage. God is watching. Just look around the world at what is happening.

  19. She is a great actress! Just google her! LOL

  20. She may Convert him Back to being Straight !!! Look oUt !!


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