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Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Historical Perspective vs. Hysterical Invectives


  1. The old days, where people actually cared about s#@t and the govt wasn't trying to take your rights and trying to enslave you...

  2. Some psychologists have actually pinpointed the downfall to the 1960's civil rights movements. The "Anti-establishment" movement, equal rights for blacks, expansion of the welfare system, women's Lib, Anti-war marches, this is when America started falling apart, and those "Hippies" are the leaders and their liberal policies have continued to wreak this country.

    Clintons, McCain, Pelosi, Kennedys, are now in their late 70's, but were those people.

  3. Actually it started before that and with McCarthy who was hitting a home run by trying to remove Communist infiltration within our system. Which obviously was allowed to happen. he was made to be an evil scapegoat when in fact he was 100% correct

  4. When we booted God from schools and abandoned our morality in total. We never even replaced religion in school with a "Basic Morals" class, and still have not.

    This is why.

  5. School shootings began once the intelligence agencies were instructed to begin school shootings.

    Thank you


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