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Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Breaking News: "We're going to be guarding our border with the military." President Trump said he'd take a "big step" while seeking "a wall and proper security."

President Trump said that he planned to order the military to guard parts of the southern border until he can build a wall and tighten immigration restrictions, proposing a remarkable escalation of his efforts to crack down on migrants entering the country illegally.

Mr. Trump, who has been stewing publicly for days about what he characterizes as lax immigration laws and the potential for an influx of Central American migrants to stream into the United States, said he had been discussing with Jim Mattis, the secretary of defense, about resorting to military deployments.


  1. That's right. The very same military I deferred from serving in.

  2. Oh. I for*Saw this momemt ^^Years!!^ ago. Yes, time to DePloy (Troops) yes. Time. Invasion -> liberals (yes Brainwashed). Low Energy (*Jeb!*) NO. Crooked (Hillery*) NO. we voted ^^**Trump**^ for A Reason. America First. all ill eagulls HOME NOW!! (LIBERALS ARE INSANITY!!^) **"They^^* cant Stand the Truth you tEll (Pelosi!),

  3. Great idea, lets pull them out of Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East and have them pull guard duty on the border. Great target practice. STK ROE.

  4. Could be a wee bit problem since the Commander in Chief cannot rally troops inside the USA. National Guard is one thing, but active military - uh...no. Time for the networks to brush up on do's and don'ts of the military.

    1. I believe the president has the authority to deploy wherever there is a threat to national security. Your comment about the national guard has to be one of the dumbest yet. National guard is active in all military deployments today. They have seen as much time in the middle East.

  5. Also do not tie their hands, allow deadly force to be used!
    I guarantee two weeks of killing invaders, and it will stop!

  6. Absolutely correct. No funding for a physical wall, so our troops will make that wall no matter what. When Congress realizes that a physical wall is cheaper than a military wall, they will see the light! Dumbasses...How do they imagine Trump will accomplish his goals whether the wall is funded or not, LOL!

    Thank you, Mr. President! You are what we needed to MAGA!

  7. Thanks Mr President for keeping us safe without the wingnuts in Congress.


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