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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Cops Are the Good Guys


  1. Yeah, they are the good guys until you question their illegal actions...

  2. @ 4:11.....Like the man just said....question all you want during a legal process afterwards. Not on the street begging for trouble.
    I can see why you would make that remark, when reading the nonsense.

  3. I think you missed the whole point of the video. You don't question them on the street, but in court. Obey what they say and don't get killed.

  4. "Cops aren't perfect, they are excellent"
    Excellent means owning up to imperfection not throwing up the blue wall of silence and covering up corruption.
    All the examples of young people killed for not complying, none were doing anything that should have cost them their lives. Why didn't he bring up Stephon Clark, Daniel Shaver or Philando Castile? Guess they didn't fit the narrative.
    Video also claims that police are not to blame for bad policies that have hurt Blacks. Then how come the police union is fighting BLM and others instead of using their platform to attack the bad policies. How come every time a Black person in Salisbury makes the news for being hassled, arrested or killed for some dumb victimless "crime" I (white) go out of my way to do the same thing in front of police here and can't even get them to say anything?
    He's right about one thing. The police and politicians are only human. So what makes them so great that they can demand 30% or more of your pay to sit in an ivory tower that you paid for and spend their days thinking of new decrees to pass?

  5. Goose Shtepping, Jack Boot, Power Tripping, Gang of Thugs.

  6. Not to sure of Fruitland cops. They are the most unhappy looking bunch of cops.

  7. Yes they are! Ridding this world of lawbreakers, and morons too stupid to not run! God Bless our lawmen and women in uniform!

  8. There are some great police. Then there are some bad police. sadly the good police are over shadowed by the bad. There are some that should never be able to police in a free society. There have been a few unarmed persons killed here in Wicomico County. Mike Lewis shot a man over a traffic violation. The man was unarmed and posed no threat the traffic stop was on the by-pass. A trooper shot a man over a bag of weed. The trooper claimed he was being drug by the vehicle. He knew the man from a previous contact so why shoot him. Interestingly enough in this day of terrorism the cameras were not working at M.S.P. on the night this man walked in to the barrack to get a ticket signed. The system is designed to protect bad police there needs to be extreme over site. 98% of the police are good. It is that 2% that we all need to fear.

  9. No...just no. They are not the good guys. They harass over victimless crimes the majority of the time. Even if you have never hurt a single person in your life you could still have a record a mile long and be considered the scum of the earth just because THEY say you are. Power tripping thugs that is all. It would be nice if they would go away or only deal with REAL CRIME (with a victim). I believe the majority of the time they ruin peoples lives just so they can stay busy with a job (and feed their ego's).

    1. What is a victimless crime? You must have been arrested for something you feel is petty. Crime is crime. You break the law you get locked up. Period. There should be harsher punishments for law breakers then maybe we would start to see a safer community. Thank you to the very few who choose to do the job that no one else wants to do. But yet they, who don't do the job, complain so much about it.

  10. Great Video Sheriff!


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