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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Chamber of Commerce CEO to Congress: Raise Federal Gas Tax, Protect DREAMer Workforce

WASHINGTON – U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue called on Congress to raise the federal gas tax as the “simplest and fairest option” to pay for infrastructure legislation.

“We’re proposing a 25 cent increase, which would cost the average American only about $9 per month for roads, bridges and transit. Americans are willing to contribute a little more if it means better, safer roads, a faster commute and more time with their families,” Donohue said at the recent National League of Cities (NLC) conference. “Now, the gas the tax is a start but it’s not a panacea as we get to investing in other critical infrastructure. We’ve got a lot of updates to do to roads, bridges and transit.”

Donohue acknowledged that a large infrastructure package would “break the bank.”

“Of course, it’s going to break the bank but if you get a little creative, if you come up with an innovative financial strategy, if you include a mix of federal, state, local and private funding and a long-term payment structure, you’re in business,” he said.



  1. Donahue speaks for himself. I, as an American, want to go on record to say, "I AM NOT in favor of paying a little more for infrastructure costs". Where does he think I work - in Congress. So President Trump gives us tax breaks and this guy has it spent already. Time to dismantle the US Chamber of Commerce. They/he are out of touch with the American worker.

  2. The original "gas tax" was for roads and bridges. Now it is spent for anything related to transportation. This is another example of gross misuse of tax dollars. Why are these electric / hybrid vehicles have surcharges / added taxes? They are using roads and bridges and paying less to use the roads and bridges than the rest of us.

  3. Gas prices are fixed already by the continuous flocculation of prices. What happen to America first? US produces and has excessive surplus and sells more to other Countries. US prices should be lower and steady instead of fluctuating every day. Raise the cost to other Countries since the US citizen is already paying for their exploration and expansion through our taxes and their tax breaks. Another example of Politians screwing the US citizen.

  4. We saw this coming as soon as Trump gave us a tax break. Did you really think all those greedy P'sOS were actually going to let us get a break?

  5. Do it - only if it will be guaranteed to be used for infrastructure.
    Not like the lie our Maryland legislatures told us, before the referendum we voted for a few years ago when they told us that casino revenues would be used for education.
    or when they told us our Maryland gas tax would be rebated to the counties for infrastructure projects.
    No, not like that. Make it a concrete-fortified iron clad guarantee and I think most drivers would be ok with it.
    Now, how to tax electric cars....TBC

  6. This tax suggestion is as much a fairy tale as Maryland's infamous Transportation Trust Fun. Congress has limos for which they don't even pay for gas much less any tax on it. This is just another have them pay, not us.

  7. Here is the problem with these political answers to society's problems:

    The Government is a criminal organization.


    It will simply steal everything we throw at it.

    So, stop throwing your hard earned fiat currency at the government!

    Just say NO to taxes.


  8. Donahue can pound sand.

    All the subsidized electric vehicles roll up miles without contributing to roads and bridges, except with tags fees. Get them back in the road tax loop.

    Let the Dreamers, such as they are, go through the established route to become legal.

    He's part of the swamp.

  9. It isn't just Congress with limos - many generals and admirals not only have a fleet of cars but have a driver. Even federal employees are provided cars for trips so they don't have to use their personal vehicle - includes gas. Drive by NASA and look at their fleet of new Vans and SUVs. This was before the new military budget. Hopefully it has stopped.


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