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Sunday, April 01, 2018

A Viewer Writes: NRA Membership

Good morning Mr. Albero,

I have recently, and proudly, purchased my membership for the NRA. I currently do not own a firearm but I would like to take my teenage daughter and myself to a firing range and take a safety course/introductory course. With all the ads you have on both sides of your site, I do not see any for a gun range. Do you have any suggestions on where to go on the Shore? Years ago I had gone to Dave’s down Quantico/Nanticoke Road but that is gone. It would seem like your site would be perfect place for them to advertise- even have a 15% off for mentioning SBY News or your name so they can maybe track how effective their ads work on your site. I would believe that there are probably many parents who have thought of taking their kids to a range just to somewhat educate themselves on handguns first hand instead of an 11th Grade Social Studies teacher telling them what to think.


  1. Here is a list of all of the shooting ranges in Maryland:


    FYI - If you are considering the proper training for you and your daughter, the gun ranges can typically provide that. Money sent to the NRA, on the other hand, will mostly be used for lobbying on behalf of the gun manufacturers. I am pro-second amendment but I am honest about where the money goes.

  2. Go to this link. Firearms safety is a large part of it.


  3. There are some good training classes by some guys I think are called Atlantic tactical or something to that effect... They used to have their class at gander mountain and then go out to the range over by hebron or mardela springs...

    There are only a few gun ranges around here, one is mentioned above, another is the Salisbury gun club (which you have to be a member or know of a member), and down Route 9 in Delaware not to far passed the Bargon bills or whatever it is called, the one on the corner with the white building and yellow roof...

  4. delmarva sporting clays is what you seek

  5. Google "gun safety course near me "

  6. Not sure if they rent guns, not sure you can rent a handgun without an HQL. I dont think they give instruction classes either.


    There also is Salisbury Gun Club. Its a range but have never inquired.

    Its best to have a friend or family teach you and atleast get you acquainted with basics and safety otherwise cost could be a deterrent.
    I could prolly help with that.

  7. Try google. It is easier than writing an essay.

    1. But how else is he supposed to let everyone know that he's in the NRA. No one does anything for themselves anymore, they just want recognition for it

  8. Excellent idea! I would be interested as well...

  9. Worcester Co Sheriff range in Newark on Saturday mornings

  10. Everybody on this site should be a member.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Try google. It is easier than writing an essay.

    March 26, 2018 at 1:35 PM

    They take no prisoners on here

  12. You should have asked your daughter. She is obviously smarter than and probably isn't worried about getting attention, i.e., she would have told you to use google.

  13. Fins and Feathers in Vienna has a nice range for both pistols and rifles. I'm sure that they can hook you up with a training agency. Atlantic Firemans, behind Mitchell's Martial Arts, provides training for CCW but you won't be able to obtain one in the People's Republic of Maryland.

    1. Great range but the town of Vienna Sux.

    2. I took their HQL class and it was more expensive than fortress training and they didn't even file the paperwork for you

  14. I taught my children and grandchildren since I didn't have the $100-$200 per person. The best thing to start children with is get a Daisy BB gun and make them know the safety rules in their small instruction book back and forth before they ever pickup the BB gun. They are the best safety - handling and sighting guidelines that they will be taught in any class.

  15. Gunsmoke shooting range (Willards), I think Atlantic Tactical Firearms Training offers entry-level classes.

  16. Joe, and to your reader. I am NRA and MSP certified and would consider a Father/Daughter private class. I would rather not publish my phone number on this site but will send you an email separately. You are welcome to share my number with this parent. Thank you. I am also listed on MSP website as a qualified handgun instructor.

  17. Atlantic Tactical right here on South Division street in Salisbury has numerous training classes. Check out their website for more information and pricing. I suggest taking the class to obtain your Maryland HQL license, that will allow you to legally buy a handgun and for a small fee more you can also get qualified training to obtain your Utah out of state Concealed Carry permit at the same class. It is not valid in Maryland but I think it covers you to carry on your person in 36 states?

  18. 1:35, 2:55 and 4:15 - it looks like he/she has gotten much better results and even offers then checking Google. It is a shame you three are so sad and bitter in life. It is also sad and pathetic that you would say the reader allegedly ‘wanted attention’. How would you get attention if you don’t give your name or are ‘Anonymous’? I pray that you three might find happiness one day in your lives soon, you obviously are in need of it. And oh, by the way, because of this person’s request, I had gotten some good ideas from many of the positive responders and may take similar action as well (and not for attention purposes either) MAGA

  19. 6:25 You can kiss my mule! Just another lazy shorebilly that can't think, act or find any information without asking someone for help. You people are pathetic. This is why we don't hire locals!

  20. 8:31 - the funny thing is, I actually do believe you probably do have a mule in your front yard. You probably gave it a female name, too. I should be glad I’m not a local or i would have taken offense to your disdain of people who are from here. Just curious - if you hate so called ‘shorebillys’ because they are so lazy and you don’t hire ‘locals’, 1) who is it that you work for and 2) why are you still here? Cheers!

  21. 10:01 I own the business and am not in this area full time, but thank you for providing me two very nice waterfront homes in other states.

  22. WOW! 8:31 is a hateful loser - just like 2:55 and 4:15

    I agree 100% with 1:59 pm

  23. 1001 probably lives in trailer on mommys property

  24. It must suck to not own enough land/property to be able to shoot at home.

  25. Delmarva sporting clays in Vienna, top notch place staff super friendly and great to deal with. Gotta go...


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